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Location: Worldwide
Members: 14
Latest Activity: May 28

Discussion Forum

Predating the ''Origin'' of the name Drysdale

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale May 28. 0 Replies

Post war Pasar Minggoe , Batavia [photos]

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale May 8, 2021. 3 Replies


Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Oct 18, 2020. 2 Replies

Johnstones historical accounts 1

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale Oct 17, 2020. 0 Replies

Johnstones historical accounts 2

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale Oct 17, 2020. 0 Replies

Johnstones  historical  accounts 3

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale Oct 17, 2020. 0 Replies

Johnstones  historical  accounts 4

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale Oct 17, 2020. 0 Replies

Johnstones  historical  accounts 5

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale Oct 17, 2020. 0 Replies

Welcome new members , old members too ..

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Feb 7, 2019. 1 Reply

William Drysdale , Mount Sterling Kentucky born July 27 , 1815

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Nov 4, 2018. 1 Reply

the inquisitive party

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Feb 26, 2017. 2 Replies

Dr John Drysdale, Mrs Susannah Douglas

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale Nov 9, 2016. 0 Replies


Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale Apr 4, 2016. 0 Replies


Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Feb 21, 2016. 1 Reply

Articles of Peace made by Colonel Spotswood

Started by Russell Lynn Drysdale. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Nov 16, 2015. 1 Reply

Comment Wall


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Comment by Ronald Drysdale on July 18, 2023 at 12:46pm

Maybe this is not new, but I found it so I'll post it anyway:

James Drysdall mentioned in Charles City records 1658 and 1659

Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. 11 - Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661


Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on November 24, 2022 at 9:15am

80 Drysdale  men recorded in 1541 Weapon show in Annandale . Transcript was held at one time by Sir James Douglas of Drumlanrig. I have written to NRS to hopefully find an original of this. I am not holding my breath. 

Encyclopedia Britannica

WAPENSHAW (M.E. for “weapon-show”), a periodical muster or review of troops formerly held in every district in Scotland, the object having been to satisfy the military chiefs that the arms of their retainers were in good condition.


Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on October 19, 2020 at 3:30pm

Cheryl Levy PLCGS 

Thank you for the book link . I had  read it in that form , just hadn't posted it . The reason I  devided the .pdf up into 4.95 MB sections is a different .ning site I had intended to upload them to - has a 5 MB limit whereas here we have 7 MB limit . But hey , good looking out .

Comment by Cheryl Levy PLCGS on October 19, 2020 at 10:22am

For anyone who would like to download a complete pdf copy of the book: The History of the Johnstones, here is the URL to a copy on Internet Archive:

It also provides info for your citation. Publication date is 1909, so it is out of copyright.

Comment by Martha Todd Drysdale on March 2, 2019 at 10:20am

Hi Russell checked out the British newspaper, Dunfermline press and they said they only go back to 1700, I can't trace that post you suggested about the Johnstones

Comment by James Young on November 2, 2015 at 10:03am

Just for the record:
A Drysdale notice I came across while looking for someone else.

From the Tulliallan (Fife) parish register -
"Archibald Drysdale & Janet Taylor both in this parish  were proclaimed on the 27th Novr. 1825 and married"



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