Genealogy Wise

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This group is for individuals who are members of the Daughters of the American Revolution or plan to become a member.

Members: 171
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2021

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Started by Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS. Last reply by True! Feb 16, 2012. 78 Replies

Special Announcement, Please Read...

Started by Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS. Last reply by Julia Mitchel Sep 12, 2010. 6 Replies

Questions about the DAR...

Started by Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS. Last reply by Connie Underwood Aug 11, 2010. 17 Replies

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Comment by Lynette Winegarner on December 18, 2009 at 2:05pm
Stacy - Absolutely. It sounds very much like there could be 2 Alexander Hodges.

Alexander is no longer in the Patriot Index. The DAR also has a research database in which they have him listed as b. 1762 in PA, d. 17 Aug 1836 in Columbus, Colorado Co., TX, and having lived in 96 Dist., SC during the revolution. They also list his wife as Ruth Hodges and it appears they have at least 6 children Ruth, William, Archie, John, Mary/Polly, and Alexander, in no particular order. No specific service or source service is listed, but he is flagged as "future applicants must prove correct service," which means whatever service previous applicants had used did not hold muster under further review. If you are able to establish your lineage and his SC service, you will establish a new patriot (unless another descendant beats you to the punch of course).

You don't mention the form of the information from the Fort Bend Chapter so I can't say with certainty in this case, but I have sadly discovered during the course of my own research that just because information is published by the DAR doesn't necessarily mean that it meets the DAR standards for acceptable proof or is even correct.
Comment by Betty Jo Blevins on November 26, 2009 at 3:16pm
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Getting closer to having everything I need in the way of documentation. My question is I have the Pension Number of Aaron Wheeler and Samuel Parsons but have been unable to bring it up on Heritage Quest. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Comment by Sue Burk on November 19, 2009 at 5:31pm
This may have always been available to members of the DAR but not to me since I'm not in yet. On Dick Eastman's genealogy newsletter blog, he announced this: After nearly a decade of scanning, indexing, and other behind-the-scenes work by DAR members and employees, the Daughters of the American Revolution is pleased to announce the availability of the DAR Genealogical Research System on our public website.

I have been having fun playing around with it. I thought it might be helpful to others as well.
Comment by Betty Jo Blevins on November 9, 2009 at 7:08pm
I have not had the chance yet as my computer was messing up. I just got back on it today and trying to catch up on my emails and the different groups I am in on Genealogy Wise. I will let you know what I find out. Thank you.
Comment by Lynette Winegarner on November 2, 2009 at 6:20am
Betty Jo: Have you plugged it into WorldCat yet? There's a function in there that'll give you a list of all the libraries that have it. If the Newberry Library (zip = 60610) has it, I can go look it up for you.
Comment by Betty Jo Blevins on November 1, 2009 at 8:04pm
After running into problems on documentations on my Parsons I decided to to go with the route for Aaron Wheeler, Jr on my grandfather's mother side.

I saw on an article stating it was from the book, "Ohio Early State and Local History" that was published by Dolly Todd Madison Chapter of the Dar in Tiffin, Ohio. Does anyone know anything about this book? Our library does not have a copy.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Comment by Barbara McCusker on October 23, 2009 at 8:12pm
Betty - Who exactly are you looking for? I did a quick Google Search for THE PARSONS FAMILY BOOK and found several promising sites. Try It didn't seem as if there was a fee involved. I'm talking strictly about finding your information on the internet. Books are nice (heaven knows I have enough of them) but you are too far to just hop over to the library.

To be sure that we are on the same page -- I meant that you should find the information you are looking for - on the internet - and HIGHLIGHT what you want, COPY it, and then put it into a Microsoft document where it can be printed. That should be fine for your needs. Remember to Highlight the Source information too. The DAR will accept that. Barb
Comment by Betty Jo Blevins on October 23, 2009 at 5:41pm
Barb, At the present time I am unable to cut and paste the pages I am interested in as there is no tabs at the top. The Parsons Family Book is available at a library my library exchanges books but this book cannot be checked out and the library is 3 hours from me making it hard to go there and go through the book, make copies and get back to take care of my parents.
Comment by Barbara McCusker on October 20, 2009 at 1:58pm
Betty - Try copying and pasting the page. Just open Microsoft Word, copy what you want, and paste it into Microsoft. Print Microsoft out, and you have it.
Comment by Betty Jo Blevins on October 20, 2009 at 1:25pm
Barb, thanks for the suggestions. Sadly I have been unable to find any relatives that did a family tree or for that matter is still alive except for my mother. I found a book on line about the Parsons but the asking price of $110 is too steep for me at this time. There was some information on a web site but it would not let me print off the pages that would help me so needless to say I am doing a lot of writing.

I have been unable to find what churches they were connected with although from some of the family trees on Ancestry there seem to have been alot of ministers. The baptism information doesn't state what church either only the city. Thanks again.

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