Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Australian Genealogists


Australian Genealogists

A group for genealogists downunder - with roots from all over the world

Location: Australia
Members: 337
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2023

Member Information

This is a group for those in Australia who are researching their families no matter where they originate. New arrivals with no Aussie roots will benefit from membership.

When you join the group please make an introductory comment that tells us a little about yourself.

If you are able to offer help to others with lookups, tips, cemetery photos etc. please post a message in the Offers of Help by SKAS discussion forum.

If you need assistance please post check Offers of Help by SKAS discussion forum for relevant assistance and then post your request in the IF YOU WANT HELP/LOOK UPS POST IT HERE discussion forum.

If you are seeking information on a particular surname have a look for a group devoted to that surname.... if there is not one consider setting up a's not an arduous task. Try using the Site Search on the Top Right Hand side of the page to find references to your surnames.

Please create and use the discussion forums to communicate with other members. There are only two discussions displayed - please use View All to browse through the whole list and find those of interest to you.

Have Fun

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Australian Genealogists to add comments!

Comment by Geniaus on February 8, 2011 at 5:01am

Today I received a Press Release form the National Institute of Genealogical Studies announcing that the Institute had acquired GenealogyWise. You can read the press release on my blog at

This is an exciting union and I anticipate some great opportunities for members of our group as a result.

Comment by Geniaus on February 8, 2011 at 4:57am
Woohoo, we have reached 300 members and the 300th member is no other than Australian Genealogist and Genalogy Guru, Kerry Farmer.  Welcome to our group, Kerry, we will certainy  be enriched by your membership.
Comment by Karen Lisa Harvey-Griggs on January 29, 2011 at 11:20pm
That'll teach me for not checking genealogywise for a while...An Aussie Group...I'm so thrilled.....Genealogywise put me in touch with a Canadian Cousin descended from 2 Scottish Aunties I didn't know existed much less that they  had settled in Canada. Most of my research now is centred on my Griggs Brothers - Convict Ancestors  who thought "minding the sheep" meant "stealing the sheep"....Transported in 1837 on the 8th voyage of the Mangles.  Well Aussie had to get us all from somewhere but maybe we might be a bit more brainy now...:) I look forward to being a part of this group and help where I can..I have a World Ancestry Membership and Genes Reunited Tree with Gold membership and still a load of brick walls ..Such is Genealogy haha
Comment by Kaz Gorrie on January 26, 2011 at 1:21am
oops forgot, also created a Robertson group for discussions about Robertson from Scotland to Australia as the other Robertson group seemed mainly focused on the US. Robertson Scotland-Australia
Comment by Kaz Gorrie on January 26, 2011 at 1:11am
Thanks to Geniaus for letting me know about this group. I have just created two other groups in the hope that it may ferret out some family members as both families are a real mystery. they are Pizer and Kilmurray. I look forward to some learning and exchanging of information with you all.
Comment by Geniaus on January 25, 2011 at 5:58pm

For some great genealogy reading on Australia Day please take a look at the posts for the Australia Day Challenge.


Comment by Co Ordinator on January 24, 2011 at 4:28pm
Although I am a proud Aussie I will be on a short trip and will not be able to join in but with that said I have not taken on blogging so it would be out for me anyhow.
Comment by Geniaus on January 23, 2011 at 8:05pm

I'll post the link to Shelley's aggregation of posts so all can enjoy.

I've just prepared my post and have scheduled it to appear on Tues evening.

Comment by Michelle Kirwan on January 23, 2011 at 4:49am

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I'd already prepared my Australia Day/Invasion Day/ Survival Day post before Shelley announced her challenge... but posting, I will be - just like every other day this year. 


Comment by Albertus Lang on January 23, 2011 at 3:35am
Sorry probably going to my son 's place,have fun,

Members (337)



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