Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

How about this to help out the programmers. There are many more options using the Ning platform, and the WVR programmers will never know which we prefer unless we ask.

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I wish there was a place to go to read the scheduled chat's after it happened. A lot of valuable infomormation could have been given and is missed if not. Looks like great experienced people are leading out in the chats.
have an alphabetical list of the groups! I go crazy trying to find if something I'm interested in has a group.
That is a great idea Rebecca, I have wondered about the same thing also...really can't find anything after clicking on the groups page.
Wish I could use and my posts would show on GW as they do on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Plaxo.
I wish I could SEE THE NOTE I AM REPLYING TO- Is there something I am missing here? I only see notes others have written once I hit reply-and wind up writing 3 and 4 notes to answer what was ask.
As a group founder, I'd like the ability to 'MOVE' a posting in discussions from one forum to another. Let's say it's been posted in the wrong forum, etc. I don't want to delete it, I just want to move it.



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