Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

How about this to help out the programmers. There are many more options using the Ning platform, and the WVR programmers will never know which we prefer unless we ask.

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Thanks Chris! I didn't know about the quotation marks and was getting frustrated when I inadvertently created the "de" and "da" tags. Those are useful at all!
Ol' Myrt here noticed the same thing when attempting to tag entries with the words Second Life. Was glad to hear about the quote marks suggestion from Chris. GREAT communications, everyone!
I've got another suggestion - scheduled "Chats" - that seems to be a common complaint in the chat room is that nobody is ever there at the same time. Perhaps scheduling chats on different subjects for specific times would draw people together of similar interests at the right time.
When I log in and find 5 or 6 group invites in my invite box I'd like a button that says "decline all" or at least have decline buttons next to the invites. Forcing me to actually visit the groups to decline them is annoying when there are multiple invites in the box.
Ditto here -- we have that option with friend requests, but not with group requests.
I seem to be doing something wrong...............although My Page reports that "Laraine Hake left a comment for........" and that "......... left a comment for Laraine Hake" it does not show what these comments are - I have yet to find where to read the comment that was apparently left for me.
On Group page that I started, however, it does show the comments that I have left.

Is this a fault with the site or with me?!

So far five members have joined the Group - I received email notifications for four of these but not for the fifth, it was just chance that I checked the page and found there was a pending application.

Where am I going wrong?
SOLVED! I just showed this page to my A level maths class - (well I am retiring from teaching on Friday, so what the heck!) and they explained that what I am looking at on my home page is not my WALL ....................I need to scroll down for that, and then there is the message!!! (they also pointed out that if I click on the word LINK it takes me to the text)
I will miss them!
I'd like links to the family tree I put in FamilyLink through FaceBook.

I'd like pages to represent family history societies and other related groups, like in Facebook.

I'd like to be able to post my blogs in GenealogyWise automatically without having to retype or cut-and-paste.

I'd like to get news about my friends, not about a lot of people I don't know and have nothing in common with me. I don't want to see birthdays and groups and discussion about people and topics I'm not interested in.

I'd like geographic specialisation. I'm in Australia and although I have a couple of US ancestors I am not interested in most of what I've seen so far.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Thanks Myrtle for starting this thread.

Carole in Sydney
Divide the groups into 3 categories: groups related to a specific last name (listed alphabetically); groups related to a location (listed by continent, then within continent by nation, then within nation by state, then within state by town, etc); and general interest groups.
It would be useful if moderated GW Groups displayed (to non members) more than just the very short introductory tagline. I set up a moderated group and added a friendly message explaining that people would need to join the group before they could see/participate in the discussion/'wall', little realising that nobody would be able to see the explanation!!

Otherwise moderated Groups will only be useful for private individual (family?) use.
What would be great is to be able to find people by searching for surnames (family they are looking for) or locations (places ancestors have I would like to find people in GenealogyWise with connections to Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ontario, Canada but how in the world would I be able to do that. Or to find Browns from Chester County, Pennsylvania.
I signed up this morning for a few groups of interest. Next thing I know there is more email in my inbox than I can go through. Don't these posts come in a digest form. That would be much more convenient. One post to look at daily or if you want to go to the group you can go and do that.

Amny suggestions to tame my mail box would be appreciated



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