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Looking to share information about Butler County, Ohio from 1800 to 1900.

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I tried to reply to your posting, but think it went to someone else.


I am interested in a couple of Lewis names out of NJ and possibly Hamilton Co., OH.  I research this area along with southeastern IN - I ignore the state line between the Little Miami and the Whitewater Valley.  I work with a researcher on the Michael Pearce family of Scotch Plains, NJ to Trenton, Preble Co., OH, who are likely related to my Pearces.


I also link to the Dutch and French Hugenot lines along the NY/NJ line.  My Pearce line may trace to LI/CT and earlier MA.  I invite you to reach to preamble at my website on the "Yorker settlement" at the tri-county area of Decatur/Rush/Shelby Cos., IN in 1820.



My families in Butler County are Chambers, Carson and Roby.  They lived in Lemon Twp.




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