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Comment by Cindy Abrams on October 20, 2009 at 9:44am
You would probably have to write to the county health dept. of the place they died and request a death certificate. Some places you will need to provide proof of relationship. You might be able to order the death certificates online, but the COD would only be on the death certificate.
Comment by Robert Carneal on October 20, 2009 at 9:02am
I am sitting here wondering if I can possibly research CODs. That is, can I go to a resource somewhere, enter a person's name, and get there COD (Cause of Death)? I am attempting to track hereditary causes of death whenever possible. I realize that X years probably have to pass, but this would be a good thing to track if I can. I can make a list of the ancestors I have no COD for, and then attempt to check those names, if I can. Is this possible in some fashion? (No, I don't expect Legacy to do that for me.)

Thank you.

Comment by Cindy Abrams on October 15, 2009 at 8:33pm
I had to merge a bunch of people not too long ago. When you get to the window that says "Merge Options" select the "Special Duplicate Searches" tab, then check the third choice to use Intellishare. Hopefully, this will help.
Comment by Sarah Coles on October 15, 2009 at 4:44pm

I don't feel I'm committed to anything by having the same duplicate files in three places; Legacy and FTM plus Ancestry. I have been with them a long time and have made connections by being a member. If anything else were to come along I could always drop Ancestry, if I were so inclined, and still have my duplicates in two other places right on my computer. I do agree the cost is high but it does suit my purposes for now.
Comment by David L Plaskett on October 15, 2009 at 11:54am
I do the reverse. My computer file is my master. If you decide to keep it on Ancestry the cost is high and something else may come along that you prefer more. If you keep the tree on Ancestry or any other web location you are commiting to a long term relationship.
Dave Plaskett
Comment by Sarah Coles on October 15, 2009 at 8:52am
To Gloria,

I maintain about 4 trees on both and also two software products, Legacy and FTM2010. I find it much easier to update information on Ancestry and then I just download the updated files with a different name to the software. I name the indivudual files with a name along with the date of update and then use the new files in the software rather than fooling around with an merging which I think is a total nuisance as you alluded to. You could also do that in reverse if you with to upload to Ancestry. FTM2010 allows you to download all your photos, etc. from Ancestry and also the same for uploads; whereas, with Legacy you can only do GEDCOM files at the moment. .
Comment by Keith McKain on October 15, 2009 at 8:51am
David - it has been a while since I used V4 - but I think this will work. Do a search for Individual - birth date before 1911 AND death date after 1911. You should get everyone (with known birth and death dates) alive in 1911. Works in v7!
Comment by David Musson on October 15, 2009 at 8:41am
In Legacy 4.00, is it possible to create a list of those persons on my database who were alive in 1911, so that they can be checked against the 1911 Census, please?
Comment by Gloria Kay Vandiver Inman, M.A., on October 14, 2009 at 12:50pm
I have been waiting patiently (impatiently) for a response to my plea placed very early this morning only to find I placed it in the wrong place... so here I go once more. I have been maintaining two (almost) identical files... one on ancestry tree, and one on my pc. I downloaded the ancestry tree and merged it with my pc tree, and the merge has been VERY DIFFICULT. It doesn't want to make a match if the user id is not the same. I found one place to turn that option off, but it doesn't seem to make a difference, so it's a long and dreary manual merge process...
any suggestions?
Comment by Cindy Abrams on October 13, 2009 at 12:19pm
If you put the history in the "notes" section for the main person of that group, that might help. I'm really not sure. Sounds like a good idea.

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