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Legacy Family Tree fans


Legacy Family Tree fans

A group of Legacy Family Tree users or those interested in learning more about Legacy.

Members: 756
Latest Activity: Sep 1, 2016

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Started by Jerry Abbott. Last reply by Barbara Butler Sep 1, 2016. 5 Replies

Combining duplicate marriages

Started by John Archer. Last reply by John Archer Nov 21, 2015. 4 Replies

Sources for names

Started by Cheri Sletten. Last reply by Joyce Herzog Aug 20, 2014. 1 Reply

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Comment by Lewis Hartswick on December 25, 2009 at 3:08pm
I just got Legacy 7.0 and am "filling in the boxes" but am also looking into the future as to distributing the family trees to the numerous cousins etall. .
Is it possible to "include" along with the data file some version of either the free
or an earlier form of Legacy on a CD or DVD so the recipient need not have a full blown version and be "into" genealogy to be able to view the data?
Thanks. Lew Hartswick
Comment by Ray De Stephens on December 21, 2009 at 4:10pm
Am a legacy user 500,000 cousin in file
Ray Stephens
Comment by Joyce Herzog on November 30, 2009 at 5:03pm
You're welcome, Erica. Always glad to help!
Comment by Erica on November 30, 2009 at 4:30pm
thanks Joyce, I didn't know about that sorting - very handy, it's already turned up a few inconsistencies I'd missed before
Comment by Joyce Herzog on November 29, 2009 at 4:14pm
Erica, you enter the address in the usual way, from small to large. Then you go into your master List, location, click on sort. Choose in lower right corner, "Direction of Sort", then choose"Right to Left (Position 1 is on the Right)" It doesn't change the actual list or on the individual screen. It only changes the display of the Master Location List. I really find it much easier to see if I am consistent in entering locations. In short, it's just the way locations are displayed on your master list. Not a permanent change.
Comment by Erica on November 29, 2009 at 3:11pm
thanks everyone, you've given me some good ideas to work on, I would never have thought of using the reverse order of address (ie country first - not sure that I would do that, but it's something to consider) and I haven't tried the mapping yet so am not sure how it will work with what I have done so far.
I've only recently gone to Legacy from FTM so am still discovering things about it and have just spent an entire day "tidying up" my locations, I love being able to get into a list like that - the sources will be next in my housekeeping.
Comment by David L Plaskett on November 29, 2009 at 8:12am
A few years back when genealogy software was not at the level it is today, I revised my data to identify the country first, then the state/shire, then the town, church and if known the place of birth/marraige/death. Since I have records in UK, Canada and USA it has worked well. If I have family buried/originating from a single place, it helps to get the project complete. I think there is a way in Legacy to convert.
Comment by Ron Ferguson on November 29, 2009 at 6:38am
where someone is born at home I put the full address in the Location Field for the birth ie. house + street, parish/town/city, county, country - British format :-) - as I do for all Events.

If I was starting afresh I might put a comma after the house (number or name), but would need to check how this would work, in particular for the mapping, first.

In fact, the same as Joyce mentioned for burials. I find that setting the Master Location List to read from right to left makes it very easy to find a location and the locations read well in reports and on websites, whereas the Address fields are not always accessible in these.

As Keith said "everyone one seems to do it differently", and it may largely depend on the output type one may require.
Comment by Erica on November 26, 2009 at 11:19pm
another maybe silly question - I have a number of people who were born at home and I'd like to document that fact, I've been adding "at home" in front of the birth location but am not sure if I'm happy with how it looks, should it go in the notes instead or maybe events?
Also when you have a full street address for a birth or death, should that be stated in location or just list the city
all a bit nit picky I know, but when you are searching through dozens of streets and "at homes" for the source it gets a bit much
Comment by Joyce Herzog on November 24, 2009 at 3:09pm
I personally put the cemetery name in first, then add the city, county and state. It is no problem as I sort the location list by country, state, county, city, then the cemetery or hospital (for death). All burials in the same cemetery are together.

If you sort from small to large, you get all the St. Luke's together, regardless of state.

I just find it easier that way. All I have to do is look in the burial line on the individual page and I know whether I have found the cemetery yet.

Hope this helps.


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