Genealogy Wise

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I guess my efforts have not been successful so far in trying to sync another computer using Family Tree Maker 2012.  I have a desktop computer synced through FTM2012 to an Ancestry file.  I recently acquired a laptop and wanted to use FTM2012 (installed on that computer as well) to sync with the same file also.  I have come to the conclusion that this cannot be done. 

The backdoor approach would be just to download the Ancestry file into FTM2012 onto my laptop, sign on to Ancestry and work on my tree.  As I cannot sync that tree because my desktop is already set up to sync with that tree, it means I would have to use that computer to sync the new information and then return to my laptop and download the updated tree again. 

I really can't find any further information on this particular subject.  Anyone know if it might be possible or not to sync this one tree with both computers?  I know you can't sync two trees together but this is a different issue.


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Please break this apart a bit. When you are talking about your iPad, that is using the Ancestry APP and NOT FTM2012 which has the TreeSync Feature, right?

Do you have FTM2012 installed on your NetBook?

You can only TreeSync your Ancestry Member Tree (AMT) with ONE Computer with FTM2012 on it.

None of these cases require a Flash Drive. The TreeSync feature has to be from ONE Computer.

Does that help?


Hi, Russ,
Yes, I am using the Ancestry Tree-to-Go app on my iPad. I just noticed last night that there are duplicates in the data that I didn't have a few days ago. Is there a quick way to delete the duplicates?

I have FTM2012 installed on both my netbook and my laptop. Ancestry allows two copies. I do understand that only one computer can sync with AMT. However, is it possible to backup FTM2012 on my netbook onto a flash drive and copy that data into my laptop or vice-versa in order to keep the data the same on both computers?

I did compact before syncing, but still got an error message that says it can't sync and that I should relink my tree. I had only synced from my netbook. It worked several times before the error message appeared. I'm not sure how to proceed as I now have three versions of my data: AMT, netbook, and laptop (and duplicates on my iPad!). The netbook has the most up-to-date data.


My suggestion is to have the Laptop be THE ONE computer to Sync the AMT. It's the more 'standard' configuration for FTM2012. You have more options for backing up your family file.

Do you see the "duplicates" in FTM2012? If they are duplicates, they will appear in the Index (F2) / People Workspace Family View.

If they are listed twice there, then you can use the Merge Duplicate individuals feature.

I would unlink from the Netbook, then link to the Laptop. Use the File, Back Up, from the Laptop, backing up to a flash drive, then doing a File, Restore from Back Up on the Netbook. Your Laptop would be the computer to do the TreeSync feature.

Does that help?



I see the "duplicates" in FTM2012. If I use that, then sync to AMT, then sync the Ancestry app, will the dups be gone from the iPad version or do I have to do it manually from the Tree-to-Go app?

Since the most current info is on my netbook, can I backup to a flash drive, take it to my laptop, then do File, Restore to the laptop, then sync to AMT? Then, going forward, only sync from the laptop?

I am going on a research trip and bringing my netbook. Should I wait to sync the new info until I get home?


If you are seeing Duplicates in FTM2012, then you want to Merge the Duplicates, in FTM2012.

What is the "Tree-To-Go" APP?

If you are using the Ancestry APP, you should see the SAME information that you would see in your Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), as that is what you are looking at. The Ancestry APP just lets you view your AMT.

If you are going on a research trip, I wouldn't make any changes in what you are doing until you get back. Then think about reconfiguring how you work with the AMT and FTM2012.



"Tree-To-Go" APP is the iPad Ancestry app--maybe they don't call it that now. The duplicates are only on this app. I checked both AMT and FTM2012 and there are no dups. It looks as if I will have to delete these dups manually from the app?


I'll check my iPad in a bit. Gotta be off line for a couple of hours.

Earlier, you said: "I see the "duplicates" in FTM2012."

Did you refresh your Ancestry APP recently?



When I said "I see the "duplicates" in FTM2012," I meant that I saw the command under Edit to check for duplicates (Find duplicate people).

Whenever the app is opened, it automatically syncs to AMT. I opened the app last night and saw the dups.


For some reason, there is no Reply to your last message.

Just so that we are talking about the same issue.

In the Ancestry AP, you see duplicate people,

In the SAME AMT that is in Sync with FTM2012, you do NOT see that person listed twice in the Index, right?

I have seen, a couple of times, that I needed to resync or to change AMTs, then return to the one I was working on, to see the updates. That is what I meant by "refersh your Ancestry APP".



There was no Reply button on your message either.

I can't sync from my netbook anymore as I keep getting an error message saying that I need to unlink and then relink. The AMT, netbook and laptop files no longer match. There are no duplicates in any of those files. The only duplicates show up in my iPad Ancestry ap.

I need to somehow get all my files all on the same page, so to speak, before I unlink and try to sync going forward.


I would download the AMT to your Laptop, not linking yet, but download it to FTM2012.

Do you know which file is the most current? AMT, Laptop, or Netbook?

I am still not understanding how you can see duplicates in the iPad AP, of the AMT, FTM2012 on the Netbook, and FTM2012 on the Laptop do not show those duplicates. The only way, I think, that the Ancestry AP is not looking at the same tree as the rest.

Have you tapped, to open, the ICON at the center of the AP screen, to see if there are other files that the AP can see?



The most recent FTM2012 version is on my netbook--the one I will take on my research trip. However, I would like to make my laptop the main input computer as it has a better keyboard, larger screen, etc.

I have several trees that show on the iPad--some surname branches I put up on Ancestry when I had the FTM2010 version. These sync with Ancestry whenever the app is opened (they are not linked up to from FTM2012 (all branches) on my netbook or laptop). My FTM2012 version (all branches) is also on the iPad app. I wonder if the dups occurred when I was accepting Hints. My main concern is finding an easy way to delete the dups, although I believe I will have to do that manually from the iPad.



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