Genealogy Wise

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I am at a standstill without access to maps that show all the parishes in each Swedish Lan.( names of those parishes and area covered). I know that the FHL has a film but I am in a small community and the local LDS church does not have a center to order in films and view them. If anyone knows where I can locate alternate maps for these parishes, it would be appreciated. Cheri Hopkins

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Sorry. No response yet.
I never did get a response from the library. It has been a month.

A few years ago, I posted a note on a local hembygd (historical) society guest book asking if someone in their group knew the area where my family came from. Nothing. Then a year later, the vice president wrote me and said one of their members came from that local area, Did I mind if she passed my email address on to him. I said no (that is why I posted after all) It turned out he was related to me, we have corresponded and I even visited him when we were traveling in Sweden. Sometimes things move at geological speed.
Cheri, a duplicate reply for those following this thead.

I have not heard back from Vestervik library as of mid January 2010. It was a long shot.
I do remember Falkoping fondly. It was a long skinny town with a windmill next to the tracks (Goteborg-Stockholm line). A very old church in the centrum and the Saturday market in torget. Sailplanes taking off from the airfield off to the east. It was spring of 1963...

When I was in Sweden in 2005 I wanted to stay over night in Falkoping for old times but I did not recognize the town it has changed so much in the last 40 years. We drove on to the north and stayed at the hostel in Forsvik. Charming.

Are you making sense of Skarborgs lan? (sorry for being too lazy to switch keyboards)
Learning lots about Skaraborgs Lan and having a great time with it. Have not had as much time as I would like to work on family since Christmas. Have had great luck in tracing the family there though.These Swedes are my husbands line but I love working on them. I am the one who is excited by every little find! Would love to go there someday after he retires--wish and hope. I scour every picture of the area that I can find--new or old. Also have some early connection to Loftahammar, Kalmar Lan so do a little there also but mostly ours are from around Floby Parish and surrounding areas. I also go to any museum listings in Sweden and love going through those too. Learning the history is (almost) as exciting as finding the ancestors! Thanks for all the input.
Are you familiar with the Swedish government provided topographical maps? The Green and Red series? Similar to USGS maps in the USA. Every country has such an agency.

After studying them very closely I see that both series do have parish boundries but they will be as of the map publication date. It would be impractical to own a set of either for most of us. There are so many as scale 1:200 000 (red) and 1:50 000 (green). And something I read recently hinted the government agency my have abandon the "color" series and now has a new system. But you may have access to such maps at a university near you. I went to UCLA map library and they have all of the red series (27 sheets to cover Sweden). Parish boundries are on the maps but I find them difficult to follow and they would show the recent consolidation.

(Somewhere at the library I saw parish map of Göteborg but that is probably not helpful since city dwellers were quite mobile.)

For looking at farm areas the detail of green maps is wonderful. But the red maps are less cluttered and I see make it very easy to spot churches! They stand out very well. In Småland it looks like a church every 10-15 km. (In Norrland they would be much more sparse.)

If you need help finding churches either post it here (especially on the Geography thread) or e-mail me.
Thanks Lynn, I do intend to check out these maps, however since I live out in the sticks and far away from any large library or even city , I may have to wait until I get to Salt Lake again in the Spring. I will spend 2-3 weeks there in May and June. I am anxious to get into the Swedish maps as when I was there before I had no clue as to where to go to first!

If the red and green maps are online, I just have not found them in my looking but have had little time of late to look in depth for them. I certainly will though after the holidays. Thanks again for your support.

By the way, I agree that the smaller areas probably are lacking in much newpaper coverage especially in the earlier 1800's that I seek for Loftahammar. I have found nothing so far, but will keep checking and hoping something even simple may show up.

I was thinking of your library contact the other day and I do realize that things can tend to move slowly. I do appreciate your help though and will be looking forward to hopefully getting an answer from the library in the future. It is wonderful that you know where to inquire and are willing to help. Dec was quite busy around our house with all 8 grandchildren here for an extended stay and I am just now getting back into gear to work on my Swedes again! Please keep me informed.

I must spend some more time and try to get to know the many actual Swedish depositories and connections that are available. I am still learning though and every minute I spend on researching the Swedish ancestors is valuable knowledge to me. Thanks
Cheri and all

Take a look at this site for parish maps.

This site is run by Historiska Museet. It should not be too difficult to navigate although it is in Swedish. It does not have much in the way of reference geographic features but it does show the relationship of parish boundries.
Awesome, thanks--I will go check it out right now!

If you want real historical maps you can look here  

I belive only in Swedish.  



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