Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hi there  


I am wondering if anyone is going to the Somerset Records Office or similar.   


I am looking for the children of Jacob Chick and Mary [Solomon] all born between about 1786 and 1805 in Cudworth Somerset. I believe Jacob and Mary were married 14 Dec 1788 [this is not comfirmed!]  


Unfortunately I am unable to go as I live in Vancouver BC Canada, and these records have not been transcribed as of yet..  


Any information would be greatly appreciated.  


Thankyou in advance Joanne.

Views: 104

Replies to This Discussion

Have you contacted John Lewes the Online Parish Clerk (Genealogy) for this parish? He might be able to help you.

Jim Sheppard
Coordinator Somerset OPC Project:
Hi Jim

I haven't contacted John Lewes, to be honest I wasn't sure where to start.. Do you have his contact info by chance??

Thankyou for you help.


I have contact John, and look forward to a reply, again thankyou for your help!
Hi Joanne,
The link to the OPC scheme is given in the links on the opening page of the group.
Good Luck, Chris.



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