Genealogy Wise

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I've been researching my family history for more than 30 years. My Canadian research has been limited to Ontario, primarily the Hamilton-Wentworth area. By no means am I an expert but I'm pretty familiar with what type of records are available to anyone researchig in this area.

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Ooops, I copy and pasted more than I planned on. Sorry for the advert stuff at the top.
My G Grand Mother Jessie O'Brien was from NS. Her history remains a bit hard to find. When she and my GG (Harry G. Norton) wound up in NJ, US prior to 1900, little was passed along to the family about origins. Her death certificate listd her father as Joseph O'Brien. YOB 1852. I found a Jeessie OBrine in the 1871 census from NS with that YOB, but cannot get my hands on additional info to confirm that it may be her. The family lore says that her mother was a full blooded Indian of the area. The death certificate did not list her. Any ideas? Suggestions?
Thanks and all the best
I have been researching for over 30 years. I live in Lambton County Ontario but have researched in most areas of the Province as well as other Provinces, the US and the UK. My husband is an UE and I have completed research on his and other Loyalist projects. I have access to numerous Ontario records so if I can help point you in the right direction let me know.
do you know if she had any siblings? You can try tracing one of them if there are any to find out more about the parents.

brian norton said:
My G Grand Mother Jessie O'Brien was from NS. Her history remains a bit hard to find. When she and my GG (Harry G. Norton) wound up in NJ, US prior to 1900, little was passed along to the family about origins. Her death certificate listd her father as Joseph O'Brien. YOB 1852. I found a Jeessie OBrine in the 1871 census from NS with that YOB, but cannot get my hands on additional info to confirm that it may be her. The family lore says that her mother was a full blooded Indian of the area. The death certificate did not list her. Any ideas? Suggestions?
Thanks and all the best
I am researching ancestors in Quebec, mostly Robillard and Dansereau families.

Hi i come down the Robillard's on my gr grandmothers side from Quebec.

Claude Robillard married to Marie grandin

Pierre Robillard married to Marie Catherine Coutu

Pierre Robillard married to Marie Angelique Marrette

Pierre Robillard married to Marie Joly

Rapheal Robillard married to Genevieve Henault

Jean Baptiste Robillard married to Marguerite Champagne

Jean Baptiste Nepoleon Robillard married to Marie Anne Philomene Desrosiers-Lafreniere


Marie Anne Philomene Robillard  married to Joseph Wilfred Smith

are my great grandparents
I am currently researching the deaths of Laurent Freston Brettinghham (1920) and John Alphonse Brettingham (1927-30). Both died in Quebec, would like to find exactly when/where.
I have ancestors/relatives in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and Nova Scotia. Most of my research has been for Ontario and Manitoba.
Hey Mr. Fleming. I have Flemmings in Nova Scotia (Colchester County). Where are yours?
My Canadian lines are Clow, Lee and Palmer -- Lee and Palmers started in the US and for some reason went to the Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ontarios area about 1800 -- Clows were first in Quebec and then ended up in Leeds. Anyone have family from these lines?
I am searching for my mother's side of the family in the Gaspé area, and in Hemmingford (In Quebec). I am also searching for them in Ontario
I am searching for where in Canada my g grandfather Joseph L LINDSAY was born. He was b: est. 1852/1853. In 1860 he came across the USA/Canada border from Ontario into MI w/his family. I have all USA info for him. Trying to determine the name of his father who did not cross w/the family.

Jeannie in OR :)



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