Genealogy Wise

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I have several links, in different areas of New England.

First, I have links with Plymouth Colony.

In terms of generation, my earliest immigrant ancestor is Rev. Stephen Batchelder, and with him I get the Sanborns, the Tucks, and the Palmers, as well as Locke, Berry and a few otehrs I don't have much information for.

Another ancestor in a different area was Henry Howland, the brother of John Howland, who is the one who fell overboard off the Mayflower. Henry came over a few years after John, In this set I also have Newland, Adams, Allen and Sharp, at which point they merge with my Haines line in New Jersey.

And thirdly I have The Hiltons who connect to the Batchelder group through Christopher Palmer. The Hilton Brothers came over right after the pilgrims but for establishing a fishing trade.

I would love to hear about your links too.

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I am a descendent of Degory Priest, a passenger on the Mayflower. He was one of many who died in the first winter. He was married to Sarah Allerton, sister of Isaac Allerton. Degory Priest died in January 1621. Sarah Allerton Priest arrived in Plymouth on the second ship in 1621 with her two daughters, Sarah Priest and Mary Priest. Upon finding her husband deceased, she married Cuthbert Cutherbertson in Nov 1621. Her daughter, Sarah Priest married Phineas Pratt from whom many Pratt's are descended. Phineas Pratt arrived in the New World in 1622 in the Sparrow, a small advanced party of the Weston company which arrived in 1623. They settled in Wessagussett (now Weymouth).
Our Pilgrim connection is through Peter Brown. His daughter Mary married Ephraim Tinkham. Their son Peter married Mercy Mendall. Their daughter Joanna married Joseph Bates. I am descended through the Bates line. Joseph, Jacob, Phineas Kellam, Joseph Cushman, Jennie Burton Bates, then my grandmother Marjorie Merrill. We are from the Merrills that came to America in the 1600's, also the Cushmans, Sears, Abbotts, Whitney, Shattuck, Towne, Pike, Hazen...and lots more who were in the 1600-1700 time frame in New England. It is really interesting to read the accounts of the events from that time and realize your ancestors were a part of American history.
I am still so new to this side of my genealogy, but it seems even growing up in Virginia and actually living down river from Jamestown I paid no attention to Virginia and Early U.S. History. My family started from the early to mid-1600's in the Colonies, but was firmly planted in Mass. and Ct. I have a large Foster line in Barnstable, Billerica, Weymouth, Cambridge, Mass as well as some Parker, Tucker, Mayo, Ring, My Mayflower line is from Stephen Hopkins and his wife Elizabeth Fisher through their daughter Deborah.
Seventeenth century colonists, eh?

Ambrose Dixon and the bunch who left Virginia for the Eastern Shore of Maryland is among my ancestors.
Another is Samuell Gorton and his "Gortonists" from England to Massachusetts to Warwick, Rhode Island.
Then there is Andrew Moore who came from Ireland to Chester County, Pennsylvania.

OK, they were all religious dissidents of the time. My family is a history of religious convictions and conscience. I love it. May God bless us all.

Happy Dae·
ShoeString Genealogy
Are you talking about Andrew Moore, born 1688 and married Rebecca Halliday? I am a descendant of them.
My links to the Plimoth Colony (note original spelling) are these:

I'm 10th ggdaughter of Peter Browne and his wife Martha. He was the 17th signer of the Mayflower Compact.
My descent is as follows:
Isabel Browne and Anthony Hoskins
Robert Hoskins and Mary Gillett
Mary Hoskins and Joshua Holcomb
Phineas Holcomb and Sarah Tuller
John Ranson Holcomb and Rachel Wright
John Holcomb and Mary Magdalena Schoman
Rachael Holcomb and Abraham Dafoe
Elizabeth H. Dafoe and John Brown
Edith Rasaella Brown and Edwin Henry Aunger
George Stanbury Aunger and Emma Catherine Holland
George Henry Aunger and Lorena Wilson Hubbell

Other connections to the Plimoth Colony are:
10th ggdaughter of Richard Bourne and Judith Cowper, who died at Plimoth -- he in 1632 and she in 1660
8th ggdaughter of Rebecca Tracy and William Merrick. Rebecca was born at Plimoth in 1623.
10th gniece of John Ford, born at Plimoth 9 Nov 1621, step-son to Peter Browne.

My Puritan Connections are:
10th ggdaughter of John Hoskins and Ann Filer who came to America on the Mary & John in 1630.
8th ggdaughter of Edward Bangs and Rebecca Hobart who were married at Eastham, Plimoth Colony in 1634.
9th ggdaughter of Cornelius Gillett and Priscilla Kelsey, who both born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1635 & 1632.
8th ggdaughter of Francis Brown and Mary Edwards, who died in New Haven, Connecticut Colony in the 1880's
9th ggdaugher of John Walker and his wife, Grace. They died in Connecticut Colony, he in 1652, and she in 1660.
8th ggdaughter of James Wright and Abigail Jesse/Jess, who were both born in Springfield, Mass. Colony in 1644
8th ggdaughter of Samuel Morehouse and Rebecca Odel who were married in Fairfield, Conn. Colony in 1685
9th ggdaughter of Thomas Sherwood and Mary Fitch, They traveled on the ship "Frances", arriving at Boston,
Massachusetts in June 1634. Their port of departure was Ipswich, England, sailing from there on 10 Apr.
7th ggdaughter of Samuel Camp and Mary Camp, who were born in New Haven Colony, he in 1645, she in 1663.
8th ggdaughter of Simon Crosby and Ann Brigham, who died in Massachusetts Colony in 1639 and 1675.

It has been an adventure and great satisfaction to prove these links.
I've just started researching my family recently. I was surprised (to put it mildly) how much of my maternal grandmother's family arrived prior to 1700 from England and Wales.

I'm still in the process of documenting them all, but the strongest line I have so far are the Dustins (Duston).

I'm the 9th (I think I'm counting that right) ggdaughter of Hannah Duston (nee Emerson). She was the first female to have a statue erected in her honor in the U.S. in Haverhill, MA. It's through the Dustin line that I can also trace to Captain John Locke.

The majority of my family on both sides seems to have come through Massachusetts or Virginia in the 17th century. The rest are much more recent (mostly German). I have to say it's quite fascinating finding all the various connections and stories involved.
Myles STANDISH m Barbara [9th ggrandparents]
Alexander STANDISH m Sarah ALDEN
Zachariah STANDISH m Abigail WHITMAN
Zachariah STANDISH m Olive POOLE
Lydia Jane BARKER m Austin Eaton PATTERSON
Louise Malvina PATTERSON m William Sherman WILLS
Lydia Irene WILLS m Donald Connet STUBBS
Jessie Arline STUBBS m Richard Holt ROLLS
Sally Arline ROLLS m Jerry William PAVIA

Haven't joined the Mayflower Society but that's on my 'to do' list.
Sally, I've just joined into this group, but I was excited to see your lineage list. It turns out that we are 9C2R. I can link up with you at Sarah ALDEN.

Sarah's father, William MULLINS (my 9G Grandfather and your 11G Grandfather) m Alice
Joseph ALDEN m Mary SIMONS
Joseph ALDEN m Hannah DUNHAM
Seth ALDEN m Mehitabel CARVER
Joseph John ALDEN m Bethian CARVER
Betsey ALDEN m Joseph HOOPER, Jr.
Eunice Alden HOOPER m Dr. Albert Henry BLANCHARD
Margaret WILLIAMS m Dr. Ray Huntress PALMER
Dorothy Edith PALMER m Richard Barron BOURNE

and, that gets us to me, Richard Barron Bourne, Jr.

It's a small world and this genealogy research makes it all the more fun. Happy Valentine's Day, cousin!
My connection is through Peter Brown.
Peter Brown-Martha Ford
Mary Brown-Peter Tinkham
Joanna Tinkham-Joseph Bates
Jacob Bates-Charity Paddock
Phineas Kellam Bates-Mary Cushman
Joseph Cushman Bates-Lucy A. Burton
Jennie Burton Bates-George Edwin Merrill (my ggrandfather)
Our Merrills, Tinkhams, Cushman, Shattucks, Paddocks and Bates were all
in the 1600-1700 timeframe in Massachusetts. It has been so interesting see the intermingling of
these families over and over throughout the early years. There was not a large population and
most likely the intermarrying was one of necessity.
I have so many I can't keep it all straight because of my great grandma Davis {her maiden name was Wilcox}, all of her father's lineage goes back to England. William Wilcoxson came in the Planter in 1635 and also Richard Smith and Francis Bushnell, William Gaylord, William Buell, George Hull came in 1630 on Mary and John, Joseph Loomis came 1632 on Susan and Ellen, William Kelsey, 1632, Thomas Joy came 1635 on Constance, Edward Gray and Vincent Meggs, Richard Hubble, Stuckley Westcott 1636, Nicolas Disbough, Abraham Cruttendeen in 1639, William Wellman, 1640, John Sheater, 1650, John Stevens, 1639, Thomas Lettice, 1638, most of them went to CT., Thomas Lettice died in Plymouth. My husband has Thomas Fairchild, Robert Seabrook and John Beach from his father's line. Then I have the Mayflower with John Howland, the Tilley's, Richard Warren, in Plymouth, the Snow's, Chipman's.
Hello, all

I am directly descended from Thomas Prence of Plymouth who arrived in 1621, about two weeks after the first Thanksgiving. Thomas was later Governor of Plymouth a few times. I am also descended from Richard Sparrow, whose house is now one, if not the, oldest existent house in Plymouth. Richard arrived about 1633. I have some Salem ancestors, too, from 1630s.
Nice to meet you all.



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