Genealogy Wise

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My name is Randi Rountree Mathieu. I have been researching my own lineage for 4 years and would really like to get into doing research as a professional. My lineage has been in North America since the 1700's, however my husband's are more recent immigrants.

My brick wall/obsession is my great great grandfather William Fain Rountree. I know he had 2 brothers, and his father's name was William Rountree and that he was born in Georgia in 1865.
Randi I think we were talking by email just today. Funny I would run into you when I just sent you emails about the Love Cemetery here In central FL. Really a small world, I just got started on here just like days ago! Just wanted to let you know I recognized your name here, & wasn't surprised, but surprised all the same! Cathy
My name is Candi Ingram-Johnson. My maternal grandmother's family, Caverly, is from the WV and NH area. Maternal grandfather's, West/Westola, family came from Finland. Paternal grandmother's, Padgett, came from Wales and settled in Kentucky. Paternal grandfather's family, Ingram, came from Kentucky area. Looking for any info on these. Also my husband's side. They are from Dudley Castle in England, Germany area on both sides.
Hi Caroline,

Have you picked up a copy of "Professional Genealogy" by Elizabeth Shown Mills? I found this book to be a terrific resource when developing my own genealogy business. I only ran my business for 6 months and a new path into psychology unfolded for me, but I recommend this book to anyone interested in becoming a professional genealogist.

Jennifer Eklund

"Evidence Explained" is another great book by Elizabeth Shown Mills. Even if you don't plan on becoming a professional genealogist, pick up this book. I find it extremely useful when creating citations for sources. I use Legacy software that completes many sources for you based on Elizabeth's book but if Legacy does not have a template that I need, I can create one easily using this book. Her third and latest edition even includes Cyberspace sources like Twitter and Facebook. Topics include a Genealogy section, descriptions of Primary and Secondary sources, Australia: Military & Naturalization Records, cemetery records, books (known or unknown author, two authors, edited books...), journals, diaries, and family artifacts, etc. And you can go to her website for help.

Hello everyone, my name is Terri and I am from Chicago, IL. I have been researching my family since 1999. The past year has been the best of research to date. Usually my research has gone in spurts, until this past year. I seem to spend a good a good part of the day searching for another new nugget of information on my family. I have recently started looking into my mother in laws family as well. This has been much harder since her father was from Russia.

My website is
Hello fellow genealogists,

I am a homeschooling mother of two intelligent beautiful children who definitely cut into my genealogy time, but they are both completely worth it of course. I have a professional learning certificate in genealogical studies from the National Institute in Genealogical Studies, an A.A. degree in genealogical studies from Akamai University, and a B.S. in psychology from the University of Phoenix. In September, I will begin a master's program in psychology with a specialization in psychology of culture and one day would like to obtain a Ph.D. Once I achieve my master's degree I would like to become an online instructor.

I have been obsessed with genealogy for over a decade, but have not had many chances to do consistent research since 2006. I have two months free to conduct research and get back into the swing of things though. My family came to the United States from mostly Ireland and England. Most of my ancestors settled in New York and other areas of New England and a group of ancestors in San Francisco, California. Many generations and a long story later, I was born and raised in Carmichael, CA. I am interested in writing a family history for my children about their family so they can add to this history and pass it along to their descendants.
I've been working on family history for about 10 years. My mother-in-law did such an amazing job on my husbands family lines that she really inspired me. I admit I started off as a "name collector" and am now in the process of redoing all my GEDCOM files with information with sources only (even if that source is a letter from a great-aunt). My family is supportive and loves to listen to me tell about my latest 'finds'. I've gotten my father connected with cousins he didn't know he had!

My father's side is a mix of Norwegian, English, and French Canadian. My mom has Norwegian and English. So I remind my 100% Irish husband that my family spent many years invading his. :)

Key lines that I'm actively researching now:
Page [NH -> MI -> IA]
Rampton [Hampshire, England -> MI -> IA -> CA]
Switzer [PA -> MD -> OH -> IA]
Veilleux [Quebec, Canada -> ME -> MN]
Hermanson [Norway -> Dakota Territory -> MN]
Marshallsay [Dorset, England -> USA -> NE / CA / ID]
VanWig (wanvik) [Trondhjeim, Norway -> USA -> NE / TX / CA]
Hello everyone! I'm Heather Valdez Chambers. I began researching my genealogy about five years ago. I lost all of my research and had to start all over about a year ago. Since then, I have put a family tree online at Ancestry and have tried to be meticulous about documenting sources. My family surnames are: Valdez (Texas and Mexico), Escamilla (Texas), Guillen, Gonzales, Tucker (Texas, Georgia) , Trapp (Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia), Whisenant (Texas, Georgia), Butler (Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee), Burns (Mississippi), Pabst (Texas, New York, Germany), Tow (Texas), Gilley (Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama), Thomas(Texas, Mississippi), George (Georgia), Wicks (Georgia), Jennings (Georgia), Dement (Mississippi, Texas), Powers (Georgia), Holliman (Missisippi), Ferguson (Texas), Camp (Texas).

My husband's family surnames are: Chambers(Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Oregon), Cauthen, Cothran, Cawthon, Cauthern, (etc.) (Texas, Mississippi, Georgia), Carter (Florida), Carver, Reppond(Louisiana), Fox (Arkansas, Georgia), Bay (South Carolina), Halton, Haltom, Holtam, Holton(Texas, South Carolina), Sledge (Alabama, Texas, North Carolina), Baker (Alabama), Reed (Texas, Georgia), McCain (Alabama, Mississippi, Texas).

I am also researching my step-father's family surnames: Huggins (Texas), Higgins, Bird (Illinois), Taylor (Texas, Illinois), Tate(Illinois), Russell (Texas), Odis.

I look forward to hearing from others who share my interests or just want to talk about our brickwalls.

When I saw your photo I knew you had to be Filipino. My mother in Law Conchita Munoz Mijares Carbo was born in Makati to Spanish Parents. I did some research recently for a young man that was adopted by some Americans that were stationed at Clark Air Force Base. I am still searching because the records are few. I am the grand daughter of a man who didn't know how his father was and it has bugged me my whole life and I want to know who he is and search. I give you a lot of credit doing the work on your adoptive family. I didn't do any on my "Adopted" great grandfather because I want to know the "Bioglogical" father.. the little stubborn side of me I guess. Good Luck in this search and if I hear about any clues to helping your search for your Biological parents I will pass it on.

Claude P Perry II said:
Hello all,

I just joined this site via a recommendation that I recieved from Facebook. I'm still rather new genealogy having only started back in May of 2007 when I wanted to find proof of my Dad and his mother telling me that we were related to the author James Fennimore Cooper, President Ulysses S. Grant, Confederate General Robert E. Lee, President Zachary Taylor, and Commmodores Oliver Hazard Perry and Matthew Calbraith Perry. So far I've not found a familial connection to any of the names mentioned on my Dad's side. However I have found that Gen. Robert E. Lee may be a twenty-fifth cousin seven times removed in law through his wife, Mary Randolph Custis on my mother's side.

Being adopted I have no actual blood ties to any member of my immediate family. However, I decided that while I try to find and prove a familial connection to any of the names above mentioned for my adoptive parents that my findings would go to my nephews once I feel I have gone as far as I can in my research. I'm hoping that one day, I'll be able publish a book or two of my findings for future genealogists.

I guess I need to mention that I was born in the Philippines. My sister and I were adopted by Americans when I was a year and ahalf old while my parents were stationed at Sangley Point. I should also note that my sister is not my biological sister either, so far as I know. Both our respective birth certificates give the names of our biological parents and as far as I can tell there is no blood relation. Though I've not found any information in regards to my biological ancestry, I've been able to find a lot of information on my adoptive side of things. Mostly on the Clanton side which happens to be my mother's side of the family since she is a direct descendant of John Clanton who was born in England around 1609 and came to the Virginia Colony aboard the ship Abraham in 1635.

Please feel free to look at my profile to see the names I'm researching. All of which are directly related to my parents.

Thanks for having me here and I look forward to discovering more as this site grows.

Claude P. Perry II
Hi, I'm Sue McCormick.

I have been interested in family history since I listened to the grown-ups talking about their parents when I was a child. My husband and I took a beginner's course about 11 years ago, but were too frustrated with the available software and the available off-site sources to get very far at this time. But not that he has retired, we have begun to be more active in our searching.

We don't know very much about techniques as yet, but we're going to sites like GenealogyWise and Ben Sayer's MacGenealogist in order to learn more. We have also joined the local genealogical society.

Our brick walls start early (grandparents and great grandparents), but we are working on ways to get past these blockages.

One problem is that my grandfather's parents died when he was four, so all family history came to him through his foster parents, who were family friends. Also his parents' names are quite common: William T. Dorrance of Hartford Connecticut and Mary Murphy of County Cork, Ireland. Since I have no dates — neither birth, death, nor marriage, it is very hard to know which of the many people of those names will turn out to be my relatives.

On my husband's side we have names, but conflicting stories. At least that situation gives us more places for starting our research.

Hello everyone,
My name is Lorie-Ann Noyes. I live in New Hampshire. I started my genealogy research many years ago with my sister. I love doing genealogy research. I love it when I make connections between names and dates. The names I'm interested in are: Noyes, Chesney, Dexter, Whitcher, & Willey; and any names connected with those. The Noyes name has been the easiest to follow. They others have taken a lot of research.
Noyes, Dexter & Whitcher are from my grandfather on my father's side. Willey is my mother's maiden name. Chesney is my father's mothers maiden name.
Happy Searching!



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