Genealogy Wise

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I was wondering, does anyone else do this? Say you are reading a true crime book, and in the book it says so and so was buried in a cemetery, and it gives the name and location of the cemetery... Do you ever find yourself wondering, "Is that on FindAGrave?" Or say you are reading a history book, and it says that someone is buried in a given cemetery... Do you enter that information on FindAGrave? Just curious.

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Darlia - Interesting question. To answer your specific question, I wouldn't unless I did some research.

But, this weekend, I was at a Family Picnic and someone told a story about a cemetery visit he had made. So, to help tell him tell his story, I went to Find-A-Grave and there was the Headstone, a story, AND his picture.

That story lead to other cemetery visit stories, but they didn't go anywhere as no one had posted any information on that Cemetery except that there were more then 10,000 internments. No pictures and not listings, except for about 5 famous people.

All the time!

I refer to FAG a great deal and refer others to it. I often find myself pulling the site up to check and see if a grave has been added that I've heard or read about.

I only add the info - if it isn't there - after some fact-checking and research, if not visiting the cemetery itself to check it out (a lot of the books I read of that nature are based in Louisiana).
My husband is a big war movie fan. Sometimes he'll say that was a true story and I'll look up and see if that person is on FAG and they are with a very interesting story about them.
Hm, Um....hate to admit it. But yes, I have done this! Especially when reading books like Mary Higgins Clark and others. Occasionally, eerily, you will come across someone with the same name as a victim in the story. Gives you the willy's [makes reading the book fun too!].
I have even been known to work up a family tree on characters in a book [or series of books] in order to keep them straight in my own mind!
Have been known to do family trees on historical and Biblical characters as well.
[Can you tell I spend way too much time on my own??? My hubby is a long-haul truck driver and is gone most of the time!]
Glad to know my FAG obsession isn't singular!
I'm also relieved to know others share this line of thought. I was reading a true crime book the other day, looked up the victims, and found their gravesites on FAG. Made their lives seem that much more precious. I was glad to see their memorials on FAG, and would have put them on there myself had they not been entered so beautifully before I got around to reading about their lives.
In doing my genealogy research, when I come across a burial listed I will look it up on FAG. It it is there with no photo I will request one. If it isn't listed, I will add the information I have and ask for a photo. If it is a military service person I will add the appropriate flag and I will leave flowers for those who were not in the military. I am the widow and mother of Navy retirees.

There are two ladies in my area who daily read the obituaries and post them to FAG. I save the obituaries and go back later to see if for some reason they were not able to post them, and I will search the Social Security Index to find the birth dates if they weren't in the obituaries.
These stories put a smile on my face, thanks!
yes, I absolutely do! I was pondering on that recently as well, wondering who else was as nerdy and obsessive as me lol glad i'm not alone! as for actually entering it, i try to do some research to confirm first though.
I haven't YET!! thank you but you have put that thought in my head now. LOL
Anything to enable others. lol
Hello Darlina, I must say Yes I have done it. But with some checking into it. But here is something else I would like to know. I have taken over 3,000 pic and have put them on FAG. I want to put the pics on here so other people can have them when and if they want. Every pic I take it comes from the heart. If it wasn't for FAG I would not have some of my familys info like my dad. So, I make sure I have everything into FAG just right. But I want to share the pics even more because I've worked so hard to get them. Where can I put them at on this site?
Click "Photos" on the green tool bar near the top of this (or any) page, and then click "+ Add Photos".



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