Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I host a Pennsylvania Chat in the chatroom at 9 pm eastern time on Sunday nights. People have suggested we do chats about early Pennsylvania religions. So on September 6 the topic will be The Amish, Sept 13 The Mennonites, Sept 20 The Ephrata Cloister and Related Groups and Sept 27 John Casper Stoever and the Early Lutherans in PA. I want this to be more of a discussion than a lecture. So please join me for the chats. Please respond to this, or on my wall or direct on e-mail at Thanks

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Hello Jim , Where to the Quakers fit?
Hi Joyce - thanks for writing. I haven't forgotten about the Quakers. They will be in the chats for October. They were a very inportant part of our Pennsylvania Heritage. I have a friend who is half Quaker and half Sicilian. Her favorite food is pizza and I tease about making deep dish pizza with Quaker Oats crust. Also in the October chats I need to include the Moravians, and then some of the smaller groups such as the Millerites although they were in the mid to late 1800s,
Johann Casper Stoever, JR. is my 7th Great Grand Uncle. Close relation huh? Hehehehe. I'll try and be on for that one as I have a lot of my husband's relatives that were baptised by him.
Hi Vicki - Thanks for writing. I have seen John Casper Stoever refered to as the Infante Terrible of the early Lutheran Church disrupting as many churches as he founded. What an interesting religious character living in an interesting time for religion in Pennsylvania. He was was involved in baptism and marrages in my ancestors too. They were primarily the Wolford - Wohlfart and similar spellings. They lived in Rehresburg in Tulpehocken Twp Berks Co. The famous, Conrad Weiser was the guardian for my 5th grgrandfather and his minor siblings after their father Johannes died in 1751/52. Please feel free to join in the discussion about him.
Hi Vicki - Got your other message too. Too bad you weren't at my chat. Gena is making the transcript available. If you go under chat, there is a tab for transcripts. It should be posted there sometime in the near future.
How will we join in on the chats?
You go to the join chat tab on the green heading bar and click there and you are in. Simple as that. People are there alot of the time. Stop in and say hi.
Tonight Sept 20th is my chat about the Ephrata Cloisters. It is at 9 pm eastern in the chatroom. Please come, listen and most important interact.
I'm just now stumbling upon the chat features of this website. I'm really looking forward to joining the chat on the 27th. I recently found out one of my ancestors from Germany, Lazarus Spengler helped Martin Luther with the Reformation in Germany. My Spengler/Spangler ancestors settled in York County, PA so I'm curious to find out more about the Early Lutherans of PA.
Hi Cindi - I started to reply to your note and got side tracked so don't know if it sent or not. I was saying that our chat is open 24/7 and there are usually people there. Even at 2:45 am eastern time. I woke up when my blood sugar took a dip, so sitting here doing genealogy and eating Ritz crackers and sharing them with my Stormy. He is the huge golden retriever in my picture. So stop by and say hello.

Did you know there is a Spangler from York Co. who was involved in Lincoln's Assassination? He spent a couple years in prison before being released. He held John Wilkes Booth's horse while Booth shot the President. My impression is that he was not aware of Booth's intentions when he held the horse. This Spangler was an employee of Ford's Theatre. I specialize in Wohlford - Wolford research and they were from York Co. PA. I haven't found a connection with the Spangler / Spengler line though.

Beginning the first Tuesday in October, I am going to do a weekly Paranormal chat. I am kind of excited about this and it should be interesting. That is at 10 pm eastern time.
Hi Jim....looking forward to the Paranormal chat. What will you be going over? I have trouble making it home in time for the Sunday evening chats (I'm in CA) but usually catch the end of it. Learned alot...keep it coming!
Hi Carol. Thanks for your response. The first chat is going to be What is Paranormal and Some Guidelines. I want this to be a discussion more than a long lecture like my PA chat is turning out to be. One thing is to discover what people want to talk about. Weird experiences, meditation, or even shadow people, ghosts, angels. Some people aren't comfortable with ghosts.

Second chat will be Strange Cemetery Experiences. Do you ever feel you aren't alone? Did you ever go to a new cemetery and walk straight to the tombstone you went there to find? Things like that. Then after that I am thinking about a chat about meditation and one on Ancestral Guides. Maybe even one about Powwowing.

Should be interesting. Oh yes I have pictures to share too.




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