Genealogy Wise

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Here's the 1870 census. It states that they all were from Virginia.
Also, the info is all over the place.

1. Phonetic spelling of the surname (here, it is spelled 'GEDA')
2. The son James is the actual property owner
3. The brother Jerry (Jeremiah) is not 63 yrs old ( he's more like 19)

James would be approx 2-3yrs in 1850 and 12-13 in 1860.
There are quite a few slave owning Jeters throughout VA - with slaves in that age range.
I couldn't discern anything with the 1850 & 1860 slave censuses.

In 1880 they're in separate households but they all claim VA as their birthplaces.
I have no maiden name for Emeline.

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