Genealogy Wise

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Joseph Eric Hoffman
  • Male
  • Redford, MI
  • United States
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  • Jackie Hutton
  • Ken Hutton
  • Ann Nepsa
  • Armando Framarini
  • Cheryl Jones

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Germany,France,Ireland, Scotland, Russia, England,
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 10:35am on January 20, 2012, Linda Wieringa said…

I recently started research to try and confirm a family legend that my ancestor was born in an Indian wigwam, as mentioned in the obituary below. I thought this might interest you. What amazes me is that Henry P. Trcziyulny's father was a Polish exile. How in the world did he communicate with the Indians well enough that his wife gave birth in a wigwam. It sounds pretty far-fetched, but who knows? 

The Centre Democrat; Bellefonte PA

(a picture under this heading)

In Memory of (Henry) Phillips Stegner-Trcziyulny

Who was one of Centre County's pioneer surveyors born August 28th, 1800, in an Indian Wigwam where the borough of Phillipsburg now stands. He was adopted as their white chief. His father Baron Chas Trcziyulny, being a trader and friendly with Red Man of the forest, he too was a pioneer engineer and surveyor. There they learned the self sacrificing of life, that they both led for  bettering the future generation. Henry P. Stegner Trcziyulny died at his home in Boggs Township, February 21, 1878. His son Franklin J. P. Trcziyulny a surveyor enlisted in the sixties to serve his country and was killed in battle at Fredericksburg, Va. December 13, 1862. Henry P. S. Trcziyulny was a great temperance worker and an official in the Temple of Honor and other organizations. His sole survivor are a son and daughter: Charles Trcziyulny born in Bellefonte, Nov. 2, 1840 and Mrs Sara Gibbs both residing in Milesburg Pa.(This is from a handwritten note describing a newspaper clipping in the Family Bible)


At 4:47pm on August 16, 2011, Savannah Teel said…
Hi! I was searching for information on a Cheif named Bald Eagle and came across your thread. I actually sighned up on this site so that I could contact you to find out if you are trying to find info on the same guy as I am. My family is from pennsylvania and about 3 generations back a man who would be my great x 5 grandfather married an indian princess who was the daughter of a cheif named Bald Eagle. I am just trying to know my background as much as possible. Thanks.


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