Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Under this discussion you are welcome to post any URLs that will help others get ideas for writing their childhood memories and family stories. If you find a broken link, please contact the webmaster first. If it isn't repaired or if the site is no longer available, please plost that information here so other will know.

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The following link has many prompts, but for writing your personal stories you may wish to click on Memoir Prompts and Opinion Prompts. You may find some ideas under Journaling Prompts.

Check my blog for my booklet on 130 writing prompts using a simple technique that will have you writing as soon as you read the page.  Although there are only 130 topics many of them will stimulate you to write several memories.


If you would like a few examples of the pages of the booklet, just email me that request at:

Thank you,




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