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Family history conference set at BYU

Published: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 2:55 p.m. MDT
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John Phillip Colletta, one of the nation's most popular genealogical lecturers, will be a keynote speaker at the 41st annual BYU Conference on Family History and Genealogy July 28-31.

Colletta, who is based in Washington, D.C., conducts workshops for the National Archives and teaches courses for the Smithsonian Institution and local universities.

Topics at this year's conference include beginning family history, FamilySearch, writing the narrative family history, basic research methodologies, using BYU's Harold B. Lee Library, research in the United States and Canada, colonial America, international research, British research, tips for professional genealogists and using computers, the Internet and technology.

To see the complete schedule or to register, visit or call 801-422-8925. The conference will be in the BYU Conference Center, 770 E. University Parkway.

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