Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

On Friday the National Archives released new files from the Security Service
spanning the Second World War and post-war eras

Radio Oxford featured a fascinating pair of interviews, one with Dr Ed
Hampshire, Principal Records Specialist, Diplomatic and Colonial Records at
The National Archives, talking about the releases, and the other by Tony
Hadland, Vice-Chairman & Editor of Oxfordshire FHS. Tony discussed the
Oxfordshire relevance of some of the data, and its links to family
history, and went on to talk about the balance between private and family
records with examples from his own family history.

You can hear the program on "listen again" at

It's a three hour programme, with the relevant interviews starting at 2hrs
7mins in - so slide the time cursor along to two thirds of the way across,
and then look at the time count to tweak where you are timewise.

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