Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Here at MemoryPress, we have lots of happy customers. I thought I'd give them a place to share their stories.

Here is one I just received from Valerie in Oregon:

"Putting together a hardcover book online can be complicated--but it's turning out so amazing. Because it all starts online, we were able to bring together wonderful entries from 80 people who lived all over! No one had to find a stamp or go to the post office--if they had an email address, then they were able to contribute to my Dad's surprise 60th birthday book. The day before the deadline my sisters (one in Oregon, one in Idaho, one in California) started adding old family photos--photos that I hadn't seen in years. We made a fabulous page of family photos that showed us all growing up---ending on a current family photo that included the grandchildren. I love it! Thanks especially for your customer service! I couldn't have finished the book by the deadline without their help!"

If anyone has other stories to share, I'd love to hear them.

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