Genealogy Wise

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I have a gedcom provided by another researcher than I would like to import into my research database but I would like all of the new information to have a source citation that points back to this researcher/database. Is there a way to apply a single source to all the facts imported?

I thought the simplest method might be to open the gedcom as a new tree and try to apply a single source to all the facts first, but I can't see any way to apply a single citation to multiple facts/persons. Is there some way to do this?

Thanks for your help.

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The answer to your question about applying "a single source to all the facts imported" is no.

I will not import a file from anyone DIRECTLY into my Family File. I have spent a lot of time formatting the information the way I want it.

So, what I do, and what you might try, is to do the "simplest method" that you suggested, that is, opening that GEDCOM file into a New file. Look at it to make sure the information is formatted the way you want it.

Back up YOUR Family File, then Merge the two files.

I do understand what you are trying to do, but there isn't a simple answer.

To get the Filename and information about it, you would go into that FTM file that was generated from the GEDCOM file. and Link all of the FACTs to a Source with information about that file.

Hope that helps. I know it's not a simple answer. However, for many years, (previous versions) we had the reverse issue, where people didn't want the Filename information included.

Now, if you have an Old Version of Family Tree Maker (Version 11 or earlier, you could open that GEDCOM file with the Old Version, after creating a new file for yourself, Merging that GEDCOM file into this new file (with no one in it) and the Filename and Date of Import would be included.

The database that I would be importing this into is one that I only use to track trails I find for future research. My documented research is kept in a separate file.

The problem with the "simplest method" is that there are more than 500 individuals in the new file, each with multiple facts. I cannot find any way to apply a single source citation to multiple facts. This seems so basic that I feel like I am missing something. Is there no way to do that? Would I really have to link the citation to thousands of facts manually?


I offered a suggestion to you. (old version)

I can not tell you how many times that users wanted the feature removed. The developers listened. (I guess).

Again, I do understand what you are trying to do.

No, I'm afraid I don't own a previous version. Before purchasing FTM2010 I was using an older version of RootsMagic.

I don't know the answer to your question but I wonder why you want to do that. If I were to aquire a GEDCOM file from another researcher I would want to know all the sources they have in order to verify the information contained within that tree. Maybe other people may have different thoughts on the subject but I would like to know where the information was obtained and if each fact, in of itself, is valid. Just yesteray while working with my own tree I questioned something I had in it and unforuntely had neglected to name my source so it means I will have to start digging in my files to verify that information. If I am at all doubful about an event or fact I either leave it out or make note of my findings in order to ensure that I will look for evidence to substantiate everything is indeed factual to my knowledge.

As to citing one source, I would think FTM2010 or other genealogical software probably doesn't provide you that opportunity just for the reasons I stated above. I stand corrected if others find that your idea is possible. All that being said, I presume you mean you want to use the GEDCOM supplied by the researcher as one source with reference to the researcher's name..

I always try to make sure I can answer this question. Where did I get that piece of information. What I think Penny is trying to do, and I know I have done, is to NOT only understanding where the 'other' person found that information in their Source-Citation, but I would like to know that I received it in a GEDCOM file from ....

Hope that helps,

I don't want to remove any source citations or other information from the file. I just want to add a source citation that explains where I got this data.

I have a dozen gedcoms from other researchers and it is a real pain to open each of them and scan for a single individual. I would like to merge them into one db but I don't want to lose track of where the information was acquired or who the original researcher was.

I did NOT suggest that you remove any source-citations.

Bottom line here. The feature you want is NOT in version 2010.

Again, IF you have an old version of Family Tree Maker (Version 11 or earlier) that Feature does exist. I explained earlier, what steps to take.

Hope that helps,


Don't worry, I was not speaking to you in my previous post. I was replying to Stephanie's question of why I would want to do such a thing and reassuring her that I am not intentionally throwing out research information.

Thank you for your suggestions. As I stated previously, I do not own an old copy of this software. I will need to find another way of accomplishing my task. I am still open to suggestions if anyone else has one.


How large is the GEDCOM file? I may be able to do this for you.

Can I piggy-back here? Because I have a similar question (I use FTM 2009 and Windows 7).

For the first time, I am interested in adding a GEDCOM from Rootsweb to my FTM database. If I upload it as a new tree, it will be separate from what I have done myself, right?

In other words, can I upload it, analyze it, and decide on merging it (or parts of it) at some later point?

Hope this is not too vague...this is my first time posting -- but this GEDCOM looks pretty complete and I don't want to lose it.

Thanks so much in advance for any guidance you can provide.


Sorry I don't know nor use Rootsweb for uploading GEDCOM files. You might look for a Rootsweb Group page.

A GEDCOM file is a GEDCOM file from Family Tree Maker. What happens on Rootsweb, I can't help you with.




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