Genealogy Wise

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After a year or two of fighting with the newer edition of FTM and finally am able to use a computer with XP so I have been able to retrieve the information from my old FTM edition, I made a GEDCOM that the new edition will read. (it does not support any of my back up disks from the old edition)

Since I love the old edition and I like the way one inputs the information, I prefer to work with it, my question is, once I make one gedcom file, then I add information and make another gedcom does one over ride the other, so that when I put it on to the new version does it just add to it, or does it create a new file altogether? If it creats a whole new file, how do I get rid of the old one? What I would like to do is add all the new info that I have found in the last two years using the computer with XP, then transferring it to the new edition, once it is all transferred, then I will try to work with the new edition for future additions. Also where are the photos? and how do you add photos to the new edition?

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FTM2008 - FTM2012 will NOT read an FBC file. I am guessing that is what you mean when you say "(it does not support any of my back up disks from the old edition)"

Actually that is true BUT, there is a way to get the information from the old version into the new version.

Please visit this Blog and it will walk you through the steps.

Not sure why you are trying to run two versions of Family Tree Maker. Stick with ONE. Your XP computer will handle Version 16 or earlier.

What Version of Family Tree Maker is the one  you like?

What don't you like about FTM2012?


I like the 2006 version, I like the display and the way you enter the information, I like the size and way it looks and it is simple. What I don't like about the new version is things are smaller, it's too busy, trying to get too much on one page and you have to click this and click that when entering the information. I do not enjoy using it.

I don't _have_ a computer with XP, I am _using_ one I have at work to do my entering. I have gone over this before and know there is nothing I can do about it, so I am trying to find a solution I can live with. I have tried entering information on the new version and I make mistakes and get confused trying to remember what to click for this and that. The reason I am running two is one to input the information in a way I enjoy using, and the new one is the only one that my windows 7 will allow, so I am stuck with it and I need the information on my computer.. Gealogy should be a pleasurable experience.

Some times I find something new and go to enter it in my home computer and am dissapointed to be reminded that I have the new version there. I have no need of all the bells and whistles that the new version apparently has I just want a place to record things, print out a few things here and there and a place that is safe to put the living people as I do not keep them on my website because it is public.

PS what is the earliest version that my windows 7 will allow? Maybe I can get a later version with the same format as 2006 that will work on my home computer.



With work, you can get Version 16 to run on your Windows 7 PC. Run as administrator, checking the Compatibility setting but do NOT use the built in PDF generator.

I do understand what you are saying about Version 2006 vs the new version. I have been using Family Tree Maker since Version 3.4. However, I find that Version 2012 is the best version so far. I find it's fewer mouse clicks to navigate around, doing what you want to do.

There are many places, in the Help menu, for you to learn how to use FTM2012. I have a blog about it, if that helps.

If there is a specific thing you want to see, and it's not there yet, I'll make a blog post on how to do that.


Thanks Russ, I realy don't want to fight with it anymore, once I update my information and get it on a gedcom, then I can run any program. I am looking for one like the old versions with the large family group display. I think that if I need to learn all over again and plus I lose all the photos, it may be time to shop around for something with a display I like. I realy do like the larger display, I am not getting any younger. I don't do all the reports and things nor do I print out charts or make books so I realy need something simple that just stores my private infor for the living. Right now I have it all hard copy, I just need to get it on to a program. FTM has modernized and improved itself right out of my range of what I want in a program. I may try to incorporate the version 16 but then I will just have the same old fight when windows comes up with a "new and impproved" os.. I think FTM ought to let you have a choice of what you want to stay with. Maybe a patch or something. I would pay double what the new FTM costs to get the old one back :((


I think you miss understand me. Yes, I think you want to move to the current version. BUT using a GEDCOM file WILL cost you your Photos.

Coping your FTW file (old version) to come media, like a Flash Drive, WILL allow you to OPEN that file in any New Version, images and all.

On the People Workspace, in the upper left corner, is a small left Pointing Arrow. Click on that, and the Index will go away. That will give you BOTH the Pedigree View and the Family View from Version 16 or earlier.

There will NOT be a patch. The Reason for the change, is the Version 16 and earlier was based on DOS (pre-Windows). NO one knows how to program DOS anymore, so all of the underlining programs, within FTM wouldn't be supported in the Windows environment.

I HAVE Version 16 on my 64 Bit, Windows 7 PC. It runs, but I can not use the Book Feature.

AS for Stories, FTM2012 has a great Story Feature. I have used it many times.

Again, I can only suggest that you attempt to learn FTM2012. I did and I won't go back. The new features are worth that time to learn it.

Also, If you have a specific FTM2012 feature that you would like to know more about, please let me know. If it's not on my Blog now, I'll create one.

Back to the "large family group display". YOU CAN adjust that. You can change most pieces of the People Workspace, Family View. I mentioned the Index that you can make go away (and restore by the way), but you can also change the size of the Family Group piece of the Family View. Many, Many options that we did not have in Version 16.



If you have a couple of minutes, you might want to watch this Webinar, by Dear MYRLTE.


Ok I will give it another go, and do all the things you suggest, I did my gedcom on a flashdrive. I will look to see where my photos may be, and I will make a try at changing the views to make them larger, thoose two things will help a lot. I don't use the story and book features. I realy want it to work for me I have been with FTM for years and like old people I don't take too much to change.

Thank you again I likley would have given up altogwther if it wasn't for you.



Please remember, a GEDCOM will NOT contain images.


Ok now that I know I won't bother with putting photos up. Also I finally figured out how to at least get the format I like, albit small font.




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