Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

The following is a list of full-text books relating to Devon which can be found on Google Books. If you know of any more do let us know.

Barnstaple parish register of baptisms, marriages and burials by Thomas Wainwright 

Black's Guide to Devonshire by Adam and Charles Black, 1910

The Blackmore country by Frederick John Snell

In addition some volumes of the Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science Literature and Art are now becoming available on Google Books, and no doubt more volumes will be added in due course.

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Hi Debbie, had a quick look through the online version of 'View of Devonshire in 1630 with a pedigree .......' by Thomas Westcote, 1845. Would he be an ancestor of the Westcott's spelt differently?

Jan Westcott
Hi Jan, I don't know if he's related to our Westcotts. They could all conceivably share a common ancestor in the distant past. There seem to be a number of different Westcott lines in Devon and others in Somerset. The only way to find out is by doing a DNA project for the Westcotts to find out how many lines are related!
This e book is well worth a look:
Wanderings in Wessex
Thanks Richie. I've added all the links. I've put a note that the TDA volumes are starting to appear on Google but I won't list them individual as I can see that the list will eventually get out of hand.



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