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John Aurand (Johannes Aurand) + Anna Hoff - Henry Aurand (March 1746/47)

Discussion for Henry Aurand (March 1746/47).

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This is my line: Johannes -> Henry -> Samuel -> Henry -> Harrison -> Harry G. -> Ray H. -> Bettie Elaine Aurand (my mother). Aside from a few years in Berks County, they were concentrated in Northumberland, Union (split off of Northumberland), Snyder (split off of Union), and Mifflin counties.
I've also done quite a bit of research on Mary Aurand, Harrison's sister, who m. Henry Ort and moved to Centralia, WA. She and her children were real pioneers.
I have the The Aurand(t) Book, published by Aurand(t) Family Assn., and Eleanor Aurand's Harrison Aurand 1834-1910 (including the updates) if anyone needs a lookup.
Richard Aurand Sherer



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