Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

OK, for starts, I've got the Forum called Genealogy of Genealogy Organizations.
The lack of cooperation -and therefore lack of standards- is stunning when it comes to the monoliths: Ancestry, FamilySearch, NARA, NGS, FGS, APG and such.
This information explosion could cause a lot of seekers to get lost. Confusion has its cost.

It is cloudy, as Tamura has said.
That's why I've posted about Which Niche for GenyWise, and GenSeek and such. Besides the organizational frameworks I've suggested, I'm starting to think that GenyWise should break off into huge pots such as Surnames, Support of Other Websites, Genealogy Reference, Linked Family Trees.
If GenSeek can truly lead to a Union Catalog of activities for both families and localities, as it intends to piggyback on the Family History Library Catalog, it would be astounding. Reference wikis, indexing projects, and other subjects would also be available.

PS: as I've said elsewhere, we quit MyFamily due to lack of interest and some site problems.

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