Genealogy Wise

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I've been researching my family history for more than 30 years. My Canadian research has been limited to Ontario, primarily the Hamilton-Wentworth area. By no means am I an expert but I'm pretty familiar with what type of records are available to anyone researchig in this area.

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Hi Jeannie,
What was the name of Joseph's mother?
Hi Dawn :)

To the best of my knowledge his mother is Eliabeth LINDSAY. She would be right age for a mother.

Are you interested in having the URL to a HUGE Hick's family tree? Many 1000s of names.
Hi Dawn :) Should have also said Hick's site is Native American.

Jeannie :)
Ok - Mine are from Wales and England, thanks. I will see if I can find something on your Joseph later today.
I am not having much luck either, Were there any siblings for Joseph? Any idea at all where they lived in Canada?
Hi Dawn :)

OK, Had to go get my records to answer your question. On some census it said Joseph crossed the border in 1960. That would have made him 8 years old. Then in the 1970 US census he and his family were in Columbus, St Clair, MI He was 18. Where he was during that first 8 years have no clue. A Canadian lady who finally found them in 1970 in MI believed they probably crossed from Ontario.

His family names in the order of the census list: James (29) Elizabeth (52)
George (21) Joseph (18) John (16) Thomas (14) Mary (17) Elizabeth (9):
The mother was born in Ireland. If I remember right all children except the last one was born in Canada.. She was born in USA.

I was so disappointed that no father was listed. Left a lot of questions about that situation.

Thanks for your interest. Jeannie :)
Hi Dawn :) Correction

I looked at the census itself. Actually James and Elizabeth were the only ones born in Ireland. George, Joseph, John, Thomas and Mary were born in Canada and Elizabeth born in MI. When I first saw this info my first thought was that James was her husband. Saw his age and decided not so. Then wondered what happened to her husband. Then the next thought was why wasn't her husband w/them. That maybe he died in Ireland and she brought the family to Canada. But now I realize that George was born in Canada and was 21 so they lived in Canada for quite some time. The father might have died in Canada and thet motivated the family move to USA.

But in all reality because this census does not state relationships one cannot truly state that these are siblings although they all live in the same house. . Could be that James is not a sibling either. He cannot be her husband because would have been 8 years old when got to Canada and she would have been 31. He must be a sibling or ?

These males were farmers in MI so I am assuming were farmers in Canada, Could Mary be the wife of James or George? More likely George. Asked because she is out of order in the age list. James and George each owned farms.

Jeannie :)

Just sent you a mail with an attachment,
I thought too that perhaps the age for James was incorrect and he was actually the hubby. Perhaps the older boys went to MI first and set up things for the rest of the family. According to the age, James would have been 19 in 1860 so possible. So far no luck in 1851 on ON so maybe Quebec- lots of Lindsays there.

Sent another- but should have read 1861.
My four main families were from England & Ireland . My SMYTH's settled in Whitchurch, York >Haldmand Co.>Oxford County in Ontario. My HUMPHREYs settled firstly in York co, and migrated to the Manitoulin Island; my WILLIS' settled firstly in Meaford ON and moved also to the Manitoulin Island, ON. My DEARINGs settled in Simcoe and Manitoulin Island ON. From there these families have spread out to all provinces west of Ontario and to many states in the US. I also have Acadian and Pennsylvania Dutch roots.
Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia here.



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