Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

OK folks, Has Millennia been hiring some of Microsoft programers??

I installed the Legacy 8 from the CD and then since the instructions said to download the latest up-date

went through that 2 hours for 65.1 M and now I get error mesage :

Language file Legacy 8 Ing Wrong version,

 Expect ver 17 May 2014 22:12:22

 Your ver. 04 Mar 2014  18:36:58

Go to web site download re-install Legacy

  First of all how can a simple "update" be bigger than 1/3 of the whole program and if I have

to take another two hours to download the up date again I'll just forget the whole thing and

continue to use 7.5.

  I tried to "un-install" the program and it wont even do that. In addition the "update" put another

icon on the desktop and neither one will do anything.

  Let's say I'm VERY unhappy with the results and couldn't never recommend this version to 

anyone. I was always a firm supporter of the program up till this point.  :-(


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