Genealogy Wise

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I'm Lori Mushanski, Granddaughter of John and Laura Mushanski. Daughter of Susan Mushanski.  Most of us are located in Saskatchewan, Regina area and then the Preeceville area.  You can add me on facebook to see more of us.  Out of John's 5 children, there are 10 grand children, 2 great grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren.
Hi I'm Dianne Welch and have been doing genealogy for about 6 months. Have found some great cousins, and live it. One cousin from my family line is in the DAR. She did some checking on my husbands ggg grandfather who was in the revolutionary war and said my daughter would be elligible for that membership. Must of what I have found was on Ancestry, but I don't know how to go about doing this. Any suggestions? Thanks Dianne
Hi Dianne. I've been in the DAR for quite a while. I always suggest when people start working on genealogy to start with themselves and work backwards. For the DAR application you'll need to prove birth, death and marriage for each person listed on the application as well as proving the link between the generations, the ancestor's service, and the ancestor's residence during the revolution.

They like to see certificates for the first 3-4 generations. When you get back far enough that certificates weren't issued things can get a little trickier. That's when you start looking for bible records, church records, baptism records, marriage bonds/returns, will and probate records. Even court records can sometimes provide proof of family relationships.

There is a "working paper" on the DAR website that is similar to what you will find on the application for membership to help you pull everything together ( The "Becoming a Member" section of the website has some good information as well (, including helping you find a chapter. Each chapter has at least a Registrar who can also help you with proving your line.

Hope this helps. Let me know if I can help in any way.

I started trying to find my ancestors back in the 1960's but gave up till a few years ago. Most of my information is from my grandparents, but checked in

I'm interested in the Darnell's from England to Md, to VA, NC, and TN. The Scott's fromScotland to GA, NC, KY, TN MS. The Giles from Ga to AL to AR to OK. The Childers I haven't got back further than MS and TN

I have almost every census record for all my ancestors from 1850-1930 and a lot from 1790-1850. I can't seem to find anything before 1790.

Recently I have been trying to find the grave of my mother's uncle, James Russell Edward Hensley. All I have been able to find out was he was born March 27, 1896, in Benton Co. MS. He joined the army July of 1818, he was transfered from the Home for Diabled Veterans in Johnson City, TN on Nov 11, 1932 to the Veterans Home in Marion, Ind.
I was born in Moreton Wirral Cheshire in 1941 and migrated to Australia in 1951. In 1989 I had a heart problem and because it slowed me down with my ability to do things I started looking into my family history. This heart problem lead to a heart transplant in 1996 and that has really slowed me down and now I have two hobbies - genealogy and models. I have had to hand in my drivers licence and therefore am to some extent stranded as we live 350 Kilometers from Adelaide outside a small town call Robe.
My current interests are finding Betty Byrom born either Cheshire or Lancashire around the 1760's. She had four children born in Mobberley Cheshire from 1783 to 1800 but there is no record of a marriage that I can find.
The other interest is finding the birth of Alexander Moore born in Ireland around 1841 and moved to Liverpool between 1845 and 1851 as I have picked him up in the 1851 census and he had a sister born in Ireland in 1845. I am not sure but he could have come from Tullish in County Down
Hi all, I'm Sharon Ingram, born a Bell, in Johnson City TN. I grew up the daughter of Arthur Frank Bell, an Army Chaplain, from Jonesborough, TN who married his college sweetheart, Iris Deane Queener, from Lake City TN. Both still small (and I mean small) towns. We moved a lot (quit counting when we hit 20 in their first 19 years of marriage). I married an Air Force man and after 29 years we've moved 17 times and thinking on 18 now. Everytime we'd go "home" on leave to East Tennessee I'd beg everyone for stories about papaw or grammaw. My cousin Fran Dugger Rowan researched and published a book on the Duggers which included some information on the Bell, McBride, and Farthing family history. It really whetted my appetite for more, More, MORE!!! I can find history on Duggers, McBrides, and Farthings, but the Bell family history remains elusive. I know a few historical items....such as my GG grandfather Hugh Bell made violins and played with the "Bell Boys" in the mountains in E TN. My mother still has a violin he made that is to be passed to the eldest male Bell grandson. Unfortunately, we've hit the end of that trail. I want to preserve the violin and its history. I truly thirst for knowledge of the Bell family. My grandfather, Dexter Howard Bell, was an Army veteran, died from the result of an "accidental" beating while under the influence of alcohol. I know there are more revolutionary war veterans in our family tree, and I want to find them all.
I was born in East Chicago Indiana, my mother was born in Laurel MS, my maiden name is Sullivan I am looking for anyone who can provide me, with history on John L Sullivan and Alice Britton, Laurel MS, or possibly Alabama, for Alice Britton
Hey everyone, My name is Debra McNulty Simkin, I am interested in all of my family history, but the one that is giving me the most trouble is my Mother's line. The story she always told was that a Cox from TN married an Indian maiden. So I have been trying to find that Indian maiden. My Mother indicated that she (My Indian girl) was 5 generations back, I am not sure if she was counting herself or not, I don't think so. My Mom also thought that she (My Indian girl) was buried in Southern MO. around the Osceola area. I can trace back to my GGG Grandfather in that area William Cox, but his wife I don't believe to be the Indian Maiden, her name was Jane Hohimer and I have talked with the Hohimer family researchers and they did not think there is any kind of Native American blood in the Hohimer family. So then I am guessing that William's parents would be the Cox and Native American combination. William I tracked to Sangamon County, ILL this is where he married Jane. I can not tell how long he was there. On one of the census he or someone indicated that he was born in VA and later on his son Henry said he was born in NC. So this gives me the clue that he could have been born in the area where VA,TN and NC all meet and in the late 1700's and early 1800's the lines of the states would change. That was also Cherokee Territory so that all fits, but things can always take an unexpected turn as we all know. When they talk about the Threads of our lives, that is exactly what it is like looking for your family. So the names that I am looking for are McNulty, Blakesley, Barker, Cox, Bushong, Harvey, Hohimer, Neely, Worthen, Jackson, Thanks for any help any one might be able to give me.

Hi, I seem to be unusual in that I live in the UK. I, and my husband, started researching his family name; Winterburn, about 30 years ago. The family were from Middlesex and we used to go to London for a couple of days and walk from building to building looking at old Parish records. We spent one day just going through the BMD's, there were shelves full of books to go through.
In Kew gardens they have all the military and government records and it was there that we found his 2xGt Grandfather's and Gt. Grandfather's Naval records. They arrived at the table tied up in Pink ribbon, we opened them and there were his Ancestors' descriptions and even signatures. It was quite moving. Today it is much easier but not so much of a thrill.

That started me off looking at my family. My mother had a photo on her wall for many years of an old lady sitting in a rocking chair smoking a clay pipe with a white cat on her lap. See the attached photo. She said it was my 3x Gt. Grandmother who died at 94 years old. When I finally found her she died at 56 years old so she was not her. It makes me smile to think my Mother had that photo all those years and I don't think she is close family of ours. She passed away before I found all this out.
Before she died she wrote down everything she remembered about her family so that gave me a good start. That and the family bible. I learnt not to rely on family stories!
I'd better stop as I will go on forever.
Hi everyone. My name is Jay Martin, and have been working on my family history for quite a few years, and have a cousin who is really into it big time. I recently submitted my DNA to FTDNA to help us get over a road block due to Ohio fires in the early 1800's at the places records were kept, consequently ending our research past 1800. Now we are hoping to link up with Martins already in the FTDNA data base. I'm about 90% sure of who that will be, by the proximity of family locations, and the use of the same first names. Eagerly awaiting the results.
Hello All! I'm Lizzie Stagner K. I have been interested in genealogy and family history for quite some time. My great-grandmother shared many interesting family stories and family tree facts with me. My grandmother gifted me with many old family photos. I cherish all that they passed on to me. I love history so it has been great discovering my own ancestor's roles in the history of the USA. My STAGNER family is not connected to the STAGNER family that most others are researching. In a way it has made it harder but it also has been fun to dig for everything on my own. My STAGNER family was in York Co, PA as early as 1753. From PA they moved to VA, OH, IL, MO and TX. My Texas family roots go back to DeWitt Colony Texas. My 4th great-grandfather was Moses BAKER. His son Isaac BAKER was a Gonzales Ranger and member of the Gonzales Alamo Relief Force who died in the Alamo on 6 Mar 1836. The major lines I am researching are BAKER, BELSHE, BISCHOFF, BISHOP, BROWN, COLEMAN, DAVIS, ETTER, KEECH, LEE, MITCHELL, MOORE, PATTERSON, RAY, ROWLAND, SCOTT, STAGNER, and TAYLOR.

Hi Lizzie

We need to investigate our TAYLOR line.  My gg grandfather was William Taylor, born in TN in 1852.  He was in Wise County TX in the 1880 census married to Lucy.  They had three boys, Leon, Ernest and My great grandfather George Orrien.  This is the only census I can find them together.  The boys were orphaned and where in AL by the 1900 census.  My grandfather was in the orphanage and was adopted by Will and Pheraby Sherrer. The older two boys were never adopted and used the TAYLOR name.  I think we may have a connection here, but with all the William Taylor's you can never be sure.   

Susan Sherrer Richmond



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