Genealogy Wise

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Hello ,
My name is Renata Nelson and reside in Victoria, Australia,

I have been researching our direct & interelated family lines for over 20 years and it has truly become an obsession.

I thoroughly enjoy the research involved in Genealogy, especially when another brick wall crumbles!

A few years ago, I submitted a small portion, (about 20,000). of the data that I have, to Family Search.

Predominately my research revolves around, Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, East Prussia & Upper Silesia

The following are just a few of the names that I am researching:

Carpenter, Dau, Doyle, Epworth, Fairbrother, Fiella, Fryer, Gray, Hambly, Harrigold, Jolley, Kosmala, Markwell. Martin, Mew, Nelson, Olsson, Payne, Passek, Powell, Rye, Schaefer, Schodlok, Stroud, Sturzaker, Tooke, Vincent, Williams, Wilson & Young.

Regards, Renata
Hi everyone! My name is celeste and i live in michigan. I am currently researching both my family and my husbands family. for my side i am researching morris, rainbow, leach and irons from england. as well as o'brien and mclaughlin from ireland. and recio and ezon from the phillipenes. one name from this side i am having trouble with is bettner. for my husbands side i am researching demink,helmer,noel, and nehls i dont have much information on these families. I am willing to share what i have with other researchers so feel frre to contact me and its nice to meet everyone.
I'm really new to the whole idea of social networks (I must be one of the few), so do hope I haven't made any glaring mistakes and that I will get my head around it as time goes on.

My page talks about the cemetery project I co-own/run and the work we do in recording inscriptions from Jewish cemeteries in the UK, I have started a group on the same topic ... hoping that others will join in!

But I thought this might be a good place to say a little more about me and my personal interest in genealogy. I started wanting to know about my family after my parents had died, if only I had been interested before they had passed away, I am sure we could have enjoyed the journey together even if it would have been a shaky start.

A shaky start because my dad survived the Holocaust and his parents did not, like many he would rarely speak of his family or his past and if he did it was only ever of his very young years well before the war. I knew that his mother had perished in a camp, his father died of 'natural causes' just before her arrest and that he had spent years trying to find her or what had happened to her so I decided to carry on from that and find out about her life before the war which lead to researching the whole family.

In a nutshell, the families I am personally researching are mainly from Holland and all seem to converge at one time or another in Zutphen, Gelderland. Perhaps I should start a group on Jewish families of Zutphen - I have collected a lot of data over the years. My personal genealogy site can be found here (main names: Cohen, Levie, Rosenbaum, Marcus, Schoonhoed, De Jong).

I have been helped by so many people across Europe while researching my family that I wanted to give something back and that was one of the reasons for starting the Cemetery Project.
I was directed to this social network by the Polish Genealogical Society's newsletter.

I have been researching our branches for about 5 years and was successful enough to reunite with family in (now) Lithuania. The families lost touch because of WWII and Soviet control. The family considers themselves POLISH however it is geographically LT.

I am investigating all the branches of our tree and hope someone will help me connect the dots!
Hi All,
My name is Cary Turner Hess and I live in very hot (100+) southern California. It seems I’ve been doing genealogy all my life, very inquisitive as a kid about the family, but really started researching 30+ years ago.

I have taught beginning genealogy, been paid by lawyers to find old deeds, land records, families, wills and such, volunteered at Family History Libraries (tho I’m not LDS), specialize in mid-west states, census records, and mainly teaching. I was recently asked if I’d like to volunteer at the SLFHL. I like most genealogist have moments of brilliancy and stupidity.

I have a love of cemeteries, and whenever we go anywhere, we try to get to at least one old cemetery. My DH will take pictures of headstones, and when we get home I’ll check to see if anyone is researching the names. Recently, I sent pictures of an old cemetery that was in Scotland. It had been the family burial ground on a farm, but the family no longer lived there and no one was keeping the grounds. I found two people researching the family, a young woman from New Zealand and a man. The woman was so happy. Apparently the rest of the family left Scotland for New Zealand, and these were the only pictures that had the names and dates for three generation. This is when I feel like a successful genealogist.

My biggest pet peeve is when people do not use sources for their work. I try to make sure everything is sources so others can easily verify my findings. Since I’m not perfect, I want to know when I’ve made a mistake.

I guess that’s about all.
Hi CaryAnn. We seem to have the same pet peeve. It really gets to me that all these family trees that I get hints to on Ancestry are all unsourced! There is nothing more daunty than that! I was even talking to someone who wanted me to add all these family stories to my tree about my ancestors, but she didn't have them sourced, so I didn't add them. I don't doubt that they are true since she got them out of a book one of our ancestors wrote, but I'd still like to source the info before adding it to my tree. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't think the same way we do.

I have to agree with CaryAnn and Heather. Giving sources is of utmost importance! On my public tree at, I have posted only the non-living family (excepting me and my husband without data) for whom I have at least one source in my computer tree. My computer tree does hold many unreferenced people, because the tree is the source for all my research. The tree however, is clearly flagged as to whether I have "all the research I hope to find," "some research," or "NO research of any kind." As I stated, only those ancestors for whom I have some research are listed on my public tree.

On the other hand, I am about to publish an unsourced photo with a question as a title, in the hope that some "cousins" can identify one or both of the girls. This approach is also good — as long as we are clear that this is a puzzle, NOT a piece of known family history.
Hi everyone my name is Barbara Mills I am from Chapmanville West Virginia I am a newbie to genealogy and I am searching for my Mom's Family Simpkins,Collins,Ponton,Hunt and on my Dad's side I am searching for Mills,Adkins,McCoy,Watts etc.
I live in southern Ohio, but my roots are in north western PA. I kind of inherited the job of family historian. My sister started it, but didn’t tell anyone. She died suddenly in 2004, at the young age of 41, and while cleaning out the apartment the family came across several boxes of family history. I agreed to go through it and organize it on the computer. I have been hooked since. I would like to learn more about how to organize the mountain of papers that comes with doing genealogy and where to find the different kinds of information that will help me document everything my sister started. I have a BS in Information Technology and think that genealogy research is the next direction in my education.

Mainly I am searching for anyone connected to the Chase or Shaffer families in north western PA and south western NY. I am also interested in the Blair's as this is my husbands family.
hey, everyone!! my name's angela pedersen, and i work in child care and make jewelry. i've been researching my family since 1997, and have had many brick walls (some of which are still there) and many breakthroughs. Right now, I'm presenting researching the following surnames: Pedersen, Fleming, Washbourne (Washburn), Fordice (Fordyce), Martin, Deen, Stanton, Mushansky (Mushanski), Enyard, Black, Mytton (Mitton), and Thorburn. If you have ties to any of those names, please feel free to let me know!! i love meeting new distant cousins!!

I've also discovered I'm related to some famous people, such as President Bush (both of them), Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Wilson brothers of the beach boys, Richard Gere, Orson Wells, and a few others. It's been very exciting!!

good luck to everyone in their searches!! be blessed and have an amazing day!!!
Angela, I had a Martin relative marry a Fordice in Ohio in the early 1800's. I believe it was Sam Martin, and his wife had a brother or son named Ben. I don't have my geneology stuff handy, so this is off the top of my head. Could this be the same people?
Hi Angela,
A good starting point for your search on Stanton surname would be The Thomas Stanton Society website.

There is access to a large database of Stanton names on that site.

Good luck in your search.
Dave Stanton



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