Genealogy Wise

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I am looking for information on my grandparents, Michael & Anna Galinis before they came to the U.S.  Michael came in October 1907 to Chicago and then to Waukegan, Illinois.  Anna and their 4 yr old son came in October 1908.  I have finally found the ship manifestos they came on.  It is hard to read some of the handwriting.  Also, I have no idea as to how accurate the spelling us.  Michael is listed as Mikos and Anna is listed as Ona.  I have a copy of Michael's passport.  It was issued by the city clerk of Mariampol  city, Soovalksky county on January 4, 1903.  It has his birth date as 13/25 September 1875 and his religion as Roman Catholic.  He is married.  We do not have a copy of Anna's passport.  I vaguely remember then as I was 6 years old when they died.  Any help would be appreciated.  None of the other family members have any additional information.  Thanks, Don Strang

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