Genealogy Wise

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Please post here about where you are in the process of becoming a member of the DAR. Also, share your lineage if you would like.

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You are so lucky. My grandmother use to talk about us being Daughters of the American Revolution. She died when I was in 7th grade and I only saw her maybe twice a year because we didn't live in the same town, but everytime I did see her she was always telling me how important history was, especially our family history. Her influence has sent me on this journey and I am excited to finally have the time to put in the work to officially become a member of the DAR.

Good luck with your adventure. You are further than I am. I do not have any information yet from the DAR Patriot Lookup or reference codes. I have put in my request though, so fingers are crossed.

How long have you been a member? Can you tell us a little about the process you went through to join? Your experiences researching your line, etc. Anything those of us just starting out the process should watch out for? Thank you.
MY papers were accepted April 2008, but I could have done long before since have been doing genealogy for a long time (>30 yrs now).I wanted to go in on one ancestor a long time ago, but could not find one link I needed. Then kids and work came along, and I didn't get back to DAR until a couple of years ago. I then used a different ancestor who was more easily proven. I found a chapter nearby that met on Saturdays since I work full time. They helped with the actual application papers, as there are rules on proper abbreviations, etc., but I had all the documentation in my files, except for the service data. The chapter convinced me to go to the national conference only 3 months later in DC. I went and had a blast sharing a room and getting to know lots of new people. I just got back from my second one, and did lots of research for current prospective members of our chapter. You should contact a local chapter, as each one has a Registrar and /or a lineage committee who will be happy to help you with the research and the paper submittal. After the papers are submitted, it can take from 1-3 months to have approved. The Registrar can also look to see if someone else has used that ancestor, and whether there are any problems . For example, some early applications have been proven in error where there were more than one person of the same name in a place. Oh and by the way, since I have become a member, I found that someone else has gone in on the ancestor I originally wanted, she's a 4tth or 5th cousin I've never met, but she had used a Bible record listed not only her daughter but mine also! I'm now doing him as a supplemental using a copy of the record I made at DAR last week.

Congratulations on your new membership. I am going to pose the same questions to you as I did to Susan as far as telling us about your experience and if there's anything you can tell those of us who are just starting the process to look out for? Thank you.
Do not skip over Deeds in the area you are searching. For two years I searched for proof of Norville Wilhite(sic) being the son of Tobias Wilhite. Later in Owen County, KY I saw a Deed from Tobias to Norville, my devoted son.....
Wills also can give names of the married sisters and information of whom wasn't a favorite and were skipped over to their children.
Nothing like developing an email relationship with a person that lives in the area. Owen County, KY Record Dept. has been marvelous in helping. I couldn't lift the books off the shelf. Never take as proof unless it is on Census, etc. It is just a suggestion point and a starting point. When you find a Census go to other pages in the Census and you may find brothers or neighbors you know lived near them.
Always be glad to share information even if you paid for it. Let people know what books you may have on a certain area.
Good luck Leah. You, me, and Kelly will greatly benefit from the members here who have already gone through the process I believe. :)
I have been a member since 2001. I was lucky in that I discovered a "cousin" who was a long-time member of a chapter in Texas who helped me join; then I transferred my membership to my local chapter. I joined on her application, so I only had to prove my ancestry to where it joined hers: my 3rd great-grandfather, Sugars McLemore, was the oldest brother of her great-grandfather, Young Atkins McLemore. We're talking 8 years ago now, but it seems like it took a couple of months from the submission of my application until I received notification of acceptance.

I just recently discovered an ancestor, Charles Carter Sr., on another branch of my mother's family, who is not in the Patriot Index (Revolutionary War service record on Once I finish my certification portfolio, I plan to submit a supplemental on this ancestor. So, I will basically be starting from scratch just like those of you who are just beginning the application process.

There is a downloadable program now where you can type in your information and sources and it formats the application. Unfortunately, I believe that it is only accessible to current members. I will have to double-check that.


Jennifer Eklund said:

How long have you been a member? Can you tell us a little about the process you went through to join? Your experiences researching your line, etc. Anything those of us just starting out the process should watch out for? Thank you.
I know I was lucky to get so much information from my grandmother. I didn't get interested in genealogy until later in life and she was getting a bit forgetful by then, but she was still able to look at pictures and tell the stories that went with them.
If you need anything looked up, I'd be happy to help.

Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS said:

You are so lucky. My grandmother use to talk about us being Daughters of the American Revolution. She died when I was in 7th grade and I only saw her maybe twice a year because we didn't live in the same town, but everytime I did see her she was always telling me how important history was, especially our family history. Her influence has sent me on this journey and I am excited to finally have the time to put in the work to officially become a member of the DAR.
Wow, the DAR works quickly. I am so excited to announce that I checked my email about twenty minutes ago and received the request code for information that has already been established with the DAR on my ancestor Martin Graves. I will order copies of the original application tomorrow. I am so excited. I have a question though. When joining a chapter for the DAR you join the one for where you live right? I mean of course this makes sense so you can be active in the chapter, but I just wanted to make sure. Attention to details is sometimes where I start asking silly or strange
Generally. Each chapter has its own personality so you'll also want to find one that fits you (if there's more than 1 near you of course).

Generally speaking that is correct. You should be able to get the contact information for your local chapter from the DAR website. Once you have your "stuff" basically together, I recommend contacting the registrar. She can help you ensure that you have all your documentation together and see if there is any required information missing from the application.

Susan Michael, PLCGS

Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS said:
Wow, the DAR works quickly. I am so excited to announce that I checked my email about twenty minutes ago and received the request code for information that has already been established with the DAR on my ancestor Martin Graves. I will order copies of the original application tomorrow. I am so excited. I have a question though. When joining a chapter for the DAR you join the one for where you live right? I mean of course this makes sense so you can be active in the chapter, but I just wanted to make sure. Attention to details is sometimes where I start asking silly or strange



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