Genealogy Wise

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Please post here about where you are in the process of becoming a member of the DAR. Also, share your lineage if you would like.

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Hi. The National Chairman of Member at Large is Elizabeth McKee and her email is

There is a committee called Volunteer Genealogist who will help prospective members with their paperwork. Elizabeth could point you in that direction.

You would pay your dues directly to National instead of a chapter.

So many women work now days and can't be active with a chapter.

If you have a relative who is already a member, that makes it easy. You just connect to their application where you have the same relative. Less records to send.

Thank you so much Debbie for this information. I would not be able to be active in a chapter, so had questions about this myself. I homeschool my two children and am enterining a master's program, as well as still looking for a job in this most terrific economy. :(

I emailed Elizabeth several days ago and have not received a reply yet. Is there another web address she uses for Members at Large?

Thank you.
thats a bunch of BS too. You can join any chapter you want too. Who ever told you about the application doesn't know what there talking about. Your Patriot has been proven allready etc so National
Debbie is right join at Member at Large.
Keep us posted and let us know what happens..

I know how you feel. My local chapter mostly just has talks which I can't attend because I work full time and the meetings are on a Thursday at 2pm.

It is easier to join through a chapter, because then you can have the registrar help you with any potential application problems. However, you do not HAVE to join a chapter in order to join the DAR, although that is recommended. It is possible to join as a "member-at-large" without any chapter affiliation.

Thank you Susan. I know I will have little problems with the application as the first 80% matches a descendant who is a chapter president in her state. The rest I have managed to add the missing documents since I put my sones application in so I know my files are sound now. I have the worksheet filled out, copies of all the documents needed just waiting to have the formal application typed out and sent.

I do understand about the meeting times. The one meets here on Saturdays, at first it was the three kids activities that kept me away, then in was weekend job, now it's summer and they don't meet, in the fall I'll be back to work on the weekends so never a chance to actually attend.
I am a member of the Princess Timpanogas Chapter in Salt Lake City, Utah. I joined through my ancestor, Joseph Richards. I, also, recently proved the service of my ancestor, Daniel West of Massachusetts. I have quite a few patriot ancestors - I've found that one colonial New England ancestor usually means many.
Usually the best way to start gathering information is to start with yourself and work backwards. If your lookup was a few years ago, there is always the possibility that your ancestor has been proven since then.
If you already have proof of your lineage, the next thing you will need is proof of your ancestors service.
There is a list of at least some sources on the DAR public site:
I'll see if there is more somewhere and let you know.
I am not sure, Sara. But as others have said, check with a chapter registrar; she'll be a great help.
Which marriage do you come off Sara? If its the first one then thats the one you have to prove. But if you come off the other ones then you have to prove it I think.
Your local chapter is definitely your best option. They will guide you through the entire process. I have served a number of terms as my chapter's Registrar, and that was my main job - helping prospective members with their applications. I was, also, able to check everything to make sure it met DAR specifications before the application was submitted, and that saved a lot of time as well. Every chapter has a Registrar. Good luck!



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