Genealogy Wise

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Hi I was having some trouble deciphering some information on the records that I found for my family tree. I'm at a standstill until I can possibly figure this out (and if you have luck and find anything farther back that would be good too) The family came mostly from the parish of Dala but some older might be in other parishes. I found these on genline and will include the GID to find them there.

Petter Andersson (wife: Stina Johansdotter) b. Feb. 20, 1802 d. Nov. 4, 1853

birth record: GID 666.3.1.3800, picture attached as well (can't decipher full parent's names or where they lived)

Household Examination: GID 666.9.29600, down the page a little, picture attached as well (can't decipher where either him or his wife were originally from and where they had moved from in 1838)

Marriage Record: GID 666.10.53700, down at bottom of page, picture attached as well (can't decipher where they were from and what the date on the far right means, also wanted confirmation on their marriage date)

Jonas Anderson b. June 24, 1799 or June 10, 1799 d. Jan 26, 1873

Household Examination GID 666.9.29100 they are under the crossed out family  (can't decipher where he is from or where him and his wife moved from in 1835)

Household Examination GID 666.14.13500 (can't decipher where it says he is from)

Johannes Pehrsson b.June 22, 1782 d. Nov 28, 1833

Death Record GID 666.3.29800 (can't decipher parent's names or where he is from)

If you can offer any help I'd appreciate it greatly, especially for Petter and his wife.



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Help me a little. The marriage record image you posted looked most readable of the three images but I must be confused. I see no Peter or Stina. At the bottom right (1835) I see jonas and Cathrina,  marriage number 10. Where am I going wrong? Please send the year and marriage number you are interested in.


On the record you posted you do realize the date at the left is Lysning and the far right date is Wedding date?


I have access to ArkivDigital with color, direct-digital images and will look into that version of these books.

And to answer you question about the marriage so does that mean by the new photo I posted Peter Anderson and Stina Johansdoter were married October 20 something 1838? I can make out the date exactly?

Sorry This is his marriage record


Possibly not sent  Now for Peters marriage...   number 7

Lysning was Sept 23. He was 36, she was 32 (seems a bit older than normal) Sträng Do (Dräng from  Stränggården ditto) / Pig. fr Prästgd Do  ///   (dont know these columns--looks like money  RD and Sk??) ingen=nothing /  d. 2? Oct. 1938  

Maybe 27 or 20 or Oct??   scribbled over digit.   That is    Wigsel dagen=the wedding day  


Again, the wiki list of place names helped!!!

Petters birth record.

The place is farm name  "St: Sunagd"   that is Stora Sunnagården . This was a major challenge.

Here is what I finally did. I went to which nowadays is accessed by opening, clicking on the top tab Learn and then selecting the research wiki (left choice). I also used ArkivDigital which has fresh, new digital-color scans which seems to improve readability (not a serious problem in your case--it was the hand writing).   This priest liked to abbreviate!!!!   It took a lot of looking at all of the places on this page and the next to see that he liked to write -gården as gd.   GD is not a letter combination you would expect to find ending Swedish places (or GL or G?) so it had to be an abbreviation.    Of course....  gården or gård.  Lots of places end in that. 

By going to Dala parish in Skaraborg county on the research wiki we were lucky it was complete with a list of all of the place names in the parish. I just kept looking thru the list until i found a   "nnagd" that made sense for Petter. Note the baby two lines above is also in the same place. There are many places in this hand writing that end in -GD, but only place names.  Then when I found Sunna- places, there are Stora and Lilla...   What I thought was an H  could it be an L???  no, see an L further above.  Of course, it could be two letters...   St   squished together. St is very common abreviation for Stora (big).

Parents names:  Anders Jonss[on]   and Elin Persdot.[ter]

Witness notes...       Jonas? i Tyskagården des?    /  Hust.    Pehr i Sörgården   /  med Hustru.   That is the best I can do. This priest seems to just put first names.  This must be a very small parish with so few births per year.    Translation [med Hustru = with wife]  Again I got the places from the wiki list. Sooooo handy when it exists. You can get the place list from the index in the hfl  (household examination list) if there is one. The wiki author got this one from the 1833-1846 hfl.

Thank you very very much the help you gave me is more then I would have known without you....Hope you have the same luck with the other things I need help with, if you choose to accept them.

I tried to look up the household examination for Petter's parents. I tried several year groups and found one on genline that has the write parents names but Petter is not listed here nor can I find them on any other. And if I am reading that correctly did Elin of that family die in the year of 1805 (I'm looking on the far right corner where it looks to be + 1805) Any suggestion for me to be looking or do you have any ideas as to why this might be.

GID: 666.5.103100

Here are two more pictures that are puzzling me. The first is Christina (Stina) birth record she was born August 28th in Torestorp but I can not make out her parents names I think its Johannes for her father but I can't tell anymore. Also The second picture is a Household record and I found her family on it but can not tell where her mother was born her father easily says Daretorp but her mother I'm not familiar with. Any help is appreciated!!!!


Christina was born at Åbo inTönestorp or Törestorp. The HFL shows the place as Åboarp but it must be the same place. Parents are Johannes Jonsson and Lisa Jonsdotter as near as I can tell. 

You need to verify the exact place names. See if they are listed on  For just simple research, the parish name should be sufficient.

You are doing good.  Some of this takes a lot of time analyzing it. The first one I did took more than an hour to figure out how the priest wrote and get that first word. Compare other known words on the nearby pages with the same hand writing.

If I was still at the Library I could use ArkivDigital to get a color image. With B/W, some times it helps to play with the contrast and brightness. 

Thank you very very much for all of your help. You have unlocked things for me I may have never figured out without you.



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