Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

On a recent business trip, I visited the Columbus Public Library in Columbus, GA. What an amazing genealogy collection! They have as many stacks in the genealogy wing as my local library has in the whole adult section. They also have wi-fi throughout the library, so I was able to post my notes directly to my . . . → : CONTINUE READING

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Comment by Tonia Kendrick on June 14, 2010 at 6:21pm
Hi Eileen, it depends on the group, but most do have to be joined before you can participate in the discussion. There are LOTS of groups, so search on some topics you are interested in, then join and dive in.

This is actually a blog post that I entered. I'm not sure how the chats work, as I've never participated in one.

Good luck!
Comment by Eileen Hutzel Johnson on June 14, 2010 at 3:05pm
I'm not sure I have this down , do I have to join all the different groups or is just log in and start in on any discussion I have interest in because it looks like I would enjoy all the groups and is this the 24/7 chat from earlier or something new?


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