Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Take the Genealogy Challenge. - Can you do it?

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Tell us about you and your site on the a3Genealogy Facebook page in 3 sentences or less. Can you do it? Read guidelines below.

Once a month our ProGen Study Group has a class session to discuss reading assignments and exercises pertinent to the professional genealogist.

This month we discussed genealogy columns to include blogs, online articles, columns, etc. A common question that all bloggers have is how to promote their blogs or columns. I realized when I was asked this question during the class, that I didn’t have a 3 sentence or less marketing add that I could spew out. So I did the next best thing…I talked fast as to not fill in more space than a 3 sentence blurb would take. And being hyperactive and verbose, I splattered a lot of energetic words to say… “The a3Genealogy blog is for clients and genealogists to discuss researching tips and quality service expectations. And, the cool part is that readers can toggle right over to facebook to discuss a blog or any other issue” Yep…that would have said it all and in just two sentences.

In keeping with the Follow Friday theme, I pose a challenge to you. I am asking all Genealogy Fans and readers to promote a blog and/or column on our Discussions tab. The goal is to get followers who would benefit from your blog/column, so be creative while marketing your site. You must share your information in no more than 3 sentences (plus your link). That is the challenge. To have a 3 sentence marketing blurb that is captivating.

Of course posting information on your email lists, Twitter, and on Facebook (or other social network) to spread the news amongst friends and fellow genealogists is great, we would like to hear new and innovative ideas. So if you want to share something that has worked for you, we welcome that too.

Be sure to post your favorite site on the Discussion board at:

Take the Challenge!

Kathleen Brandt

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