Genealogy Wise

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Not having sources to document where you found information on your ancestors in genealogy is like Superman wearing his alter ego Clark Kent's glasses, useless. Without the use of sources, information in a genealogical report is nothing more than hearsay. The more sources a genealogy report presents, the more credible the report. Many beginning genealogists do not understand sources though. The more a genealogist understands the differences between sources and the information derived from sources the more likely a genealogist will create a credible genealogy report.

Sources tell people how you know specific information about your ancestors, and prove the relationships between you and your ancestors. Two types of sources exist, original and derivative sources. According to Louise St. Denis of The National Institute for Genealogical Studies, an original source is a source created at or about the time an event occurred and was reported by a participant or witness of the event. A derivative source is any source not considered an original source. These sources are based on a prior source and are less reliable than original sources. Original sources will bring more credibility to your genealogy, while derivative sources provide you with clues to making reasonable genealogical conclusions. The genealogist will run across both types of sources throughout their research. Understanding the differences between sources is important when making conclusions about how the information found relates to your ancestors (St. Denis, 2004).

Original and derivative sources can contain two types of information, primary and secondary. Primary information, like original sources, has more probability of being accurate. Primary information is defined as a statement of knowledge by a witness or a participant to the event in question, such as a birth or death. This information may be reported at the time of the event or later. This information can be erroneous, inadvertently or deliberately. Secondary information has a higher probability of being inaccurate, because the information is a statement of knowledge reported by an individual whom was not a witness of or participant in the event (St. Denis, 2004).

The rule of thumb for genealogists is to have three sources for each genealogical fact. One of the three sources must be an original source. For example, my grandfather died on 17 Dec 1993. His death certificate, if created at the time of his death, would be an original source with primary information. His obituary in the newspaper would be a derivative source with secondary information. The information was not created by an individual who witnessed or participated in the death and the information on his death came from relatives who tell the newspaper what to print. A memorial card from my grandfather’s funeral with the date of death is also considered a derivative source with secondary information.

By examining sources and the information gleaned from sources throughout one’s research, the genealogist will learn to write genealogical reports in a professional and logical manner. Even if a genealogist is researching their family tree as a hobby and has no intention of publishing a report, providing sources and understanding the information derived from sources gives the report credibility. Sources are the roots of the tree which link ancestors together. The information from those sources allows the genealogist to climb the family tree branch by branch without falling off or going in the wrong direction.


St. Denis, L. (2004). Methodology-part 1: Getting started. Toronto, Ontario: National

Institute for Genealogical Studies.

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Comment by Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS on July 15, 2009 at 12:29pm
Unknown Ancestor-the information for my blog came from my education in genealogy. The field of genealogy is trying to become a serious discipline. Any serious discipline needs sources and the more sources the more credible. That is not a myth, it's just scientific fact. Understanding each type of record or source and how the credibility would apply due to the period in history or what the standards were at that time goes beyond the scope of my blog, which was meant to educate on the use of sources. The "rule of thumb" for professional genealogy is 3 sources for one fact, one being a original. I agree that source selection is always about quality; however, the quantity of quality sources will make one's genealogy more credible, period. Every record needs to be analyzed carefully. Death certificates are considered an original source with primary and secondary information in them if the record was made at the time of death. I respect the difference in opinion of course. I just wanted to clarify more on my blog. Thank you for reading.
Comment by Unknown Ancestor on July 15, 2009 at 3:35am
Since very few documents where ever created by governments and other institutions for genealogists, most genealogical evidence in historical documents is “hearsay”. Moreover, it is a terrible myth to say “more sources = more credible”! A dozen references from a genealogy published in 1930, before the age of standards in the field of genealogy, have no true sway over the single parish register entry which is the one and only evidence of an ancestral christening (say in 1590 in England, France, Germany, Italy, etc.).
Another misconception is that there is a “rule of thumb” saying we should seek 3 sources for each fact, with 1 being “original”. Again, source selection is always about quality and not quantity. Luckily, newer genealogical software and websites allow for multiple sources for each event in an ancestor’s life.

A death certificate provides little primary evidence. Most of its data, in fact, often comes from a distressed family member or an uncaring medical person. Obviously, any marriage or birth or occupational information on a death record is secondary in nature.
Comment by Martha Rapp on July 13, 2009 at 7:31am
Thanks. Your explanation of original and derivative was very useful.


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