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Further into these pictures you will see the house that Sir Christopher HATTON, Lord Chancellor of England, had built and lived in. It was the largest estate ever built in England and would eventually be the prison of King Charles 1 or II and, also, became a government building later on after Christopher fell on to hard times. He was the close confidant of Queen Elizabeth I. The house was called HOLDENBY HOUSE with the HOLDENBY name being part of HATTON lineage. All of the house eventually burned to the ground except for the enormous kitchen wing which was refurbished and stands as a great estate still known as HOLDENBY HOUSE today on the property next to ALTHORPE, ancestral home of Diana SPENCER, Princess of Wales. Diana and I are distant cousins through many different lines including my TUDOR lineage and lineage from King Edward (PLANTAGENET) III through my MYRICK lineage as well as through my EARLE/de ERLEIGH lineage and others.

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