Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hi, this is for Beverly. The site wouldn't let me post this response any other way, sorry.

Hi Beverly! My maiden name is Coleman, and we were in Virginia since mid-1600's. I don't have an Isaac, but perhaps we connect with another person in our trees. Which counties do your Colemans hail from? And do you know where in England they came from? (Mine came from Braxton, Malden, Essex, England and came to live in first Gloucester, then Essex and Spotsylvania Counties in Virginia) Are you on I have a tree there, if you want to compare.

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I think that my Coleman line started with Robert Coleman of Wales in 1650...I get this only from a few notes that my mother left with all of her research before she died...She has proven my GG Grandfather Isaac and I believe that he was born in Amelia County, VA...I have looked pretty closely at the descendents of Robert, but have had no luck finding this particular Isaac...he married in KY around 1830 to a Christy or Christian (last name unknown) and ended up in Bond County, IL where he died in 1854...I have been searching for a year for his parents and his wife's maiden mother started her search in the 1950's and had no luck, so I realize that I may not either...I don't have Ancestry, but I will go to the local LDS Church and look at your tree...thanks.
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