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Does anyone knowof this family in wetzel county came from Ohio in the 1800's Dianne

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If me is looking at this right. You won't go in on John Stackhouse. You should be going in on Isaac Stackhouse. who was in Pa during the war!!!
Im looking at the wrong person then!!!
Patty I'm confused.John was born and died in Bristol Twp, Bucks county, Pa. . He had a son Joshua born in Bristol, Bucks County, died in Clinton, Ohio and he had a son named Joshua 122 born in Hanover, Belmont, Ohio died inWetzel County, WV. He had a son My great grandfather George, born in monroe county, ohio, died in Wetzel County. I know the last 2 are right, but who knows for sure about the rest. I have census 1880 with Joshua and George, and 1850 with Joshua the first who is listed in DAR as his daughter. I've seen Issac Stackhouse some where in my search. How did you get to him? Dianne
Go to this webpage and look the information over please and get back in touch with me about it..
I think this is your stackhouse family. They dont have who Josuha parents are though
That information is incorrect. George WAS my G grandfather and his daughter Ella was my grandmother which is correct. Mary Mc Farland is correct. The Joshua mentioned who lived in Clinton County is not the right Joshua. Clinton County is right next to Indiana. George was born In Monroe County across from Wheeling. My Joshua was born in 1825 and the census of 1880 in Monroe County has George listed as son. The1880 census in Clinton County, with Joshua Stackhouse has no George. In 1870 My Joshua was in Belmont County across the Ohio River. The other Joshua is the grandson of the Patriot John. Roots and Ancestry have them mixed up. Dianne
Im sorry me thought this information was right.. duh patsy. good thing i asked you about it huh.

Is the information right about sarah powell being george's wife right too.
Everything is right except Joshua. It's like Dawn's Owen. Same name different area, birth date, Ancestry screwed me up. Even when I gave them all correct dates and places they gave me the other Joshua's info. Don't that just gripe your Ass. lol Dianne I have 5 census of him and they all say unknown parents except for one and it says parents born in Ohio. The Stackhouses were Quakers in Pa. and I thought maybe he got shunned.
interesting theory. You could be right about him being shunned.. Im wondering if we shouldn't like the wife's family and see if something turns up that way.
I love when you have information and nobody will believe t hat your right and they might be wrong.
I know me and Dawn worked on her Owen's too. We both know that the information she found is right. But getting someone to believe us was a whole different ball of wax..

You would have liked her alot..
I think Dawn and I were a little alike. I get on to something and I'm like a dog with a bone. Joshua's wife was Irish her parents were born in Ireland. Mary Jane McFarland. Dianne



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