Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

There is a Paranormal Chat on Wednesday nights at 10 pm eastern time. Carol Leve is the usual host. I am subbing for her this week. Please stop by if you have had any unusual experiences on a Civil War battlefield. You are also welcome to stop by and listen in.

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I do not have anything concrete regarig paranormal experiences, but back in the 80's the family went on what I like to call the Chevy Chase vacation. Canada and nine states in 8 days!! One of the stops was Gettsburg, PA.
There have been times in my life when I felt "sensitive" for a lack of better words. I don't see things, but I become sensitive to what I don't know. But when we were at Gettsburg I was in over load!! I can't explain it. My emotions were overwheming! I wanted to cry, hide, run or ???? We tour the entire park and I was this state the entire time. This has never happene before. Has this happened to anyone else? As a child and teenager I would play at the Vicksburg, MS Civil War Park. I remember feeling sensitve there, but it wasn't the same. Gettsburg was over powering.
Hi TerryAnn - Thanks for your response. I just came back from Gettysburg. I am trying to learn to lead tours there. Gettysburg is a strange place with lots of strange feelings there. Lots of people were killed there. Your feelings there were not unusual. Carol Leve does a Paranormal Chat on Wednesday at 10 pm eastern. Please join us sometime.



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