Genealogy Wise

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To Sonja Jenny Porter

You written that your ancestors name was Lars Johan Stark (Detterberg) and that he was born 1850

For me it sounds like he was a soldier or a soldier's son. This because otherwise he had have a patronymicon, his fathers name + son ex Larsson. As there was so many -son names and when the men became soldiers they changes otherwise when the asked for Larsson, maybe 10 soldiers would have had that name. They had to know who was who. More about the swedish military system you can read at Hans Högman's website.

The name Detterberg, when did Lars got that one. Here in Sweden or in US?

The wife of Lars, Batti Josephina Johansdotter, did they married 1876 in Sweden or elsewhere?

Batti isn't a swedish name so probably there is a name she got in US.


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Made a search on the name Detterberg in the Swedish Census 1890. There is 14 with the name Detterberg in Sweden that year, 13 are born in Skaraborg and 2 in Älvsborg. Those from Skaraborg are born in the parishes Flo, Ås, Råda, Sal, Tun. No Lars Johan B 1850, but I guess he already left Sweden by then.

The parishes Flo, Sal, Ås are neighbours and today are in the district of Grästorp. Råda, Tun are in Lidköping.

If you like I can make a search if anyone research on this name Detterber. It's unusual so it probably show up something.

Yes, that would be very nice of you.
Hello Annelie......Lars Johan was born and died in Sweden, my Grandfather, Karl Oskar Larson immigrated to Canada in 1903. Lars Father was Anders Detterberg, born 06 Dec 1812 in Sweden and he married Anna Maja Magnusdotter 26 Dec, 1837 and she was born 07 Apr 1810.
I have some old photos of my grandfather and his brother's before three of them left for Canada and the studio was in Grastorp. I now remember seeing Flo somewhere, but in a letter written to my Father in 1945 said Lars Johan lived in As Socken Scaraborgs lan and his farm was in Hakansgarden and in the summer he was a soldier in Stockholm. I do know there is a record of Lars Johan Detterberg, as found it at the Morman Genealogy Centre here. Thank you for your help, perhaps this is more for you to go on.
Hi Sonja,

Based on the clues you mentioned, I was able to document Lars Johan Stark in the 1923-1936 församlingsbok for the parish of Ås in Skaraborgs län (AIIa:3, p. 41, available from the online service Arkiv Digital). Here Lars Johan Stark is found living at Håkansgården along with his son Lars Ivar Larsson Stark. Lars Johan was born 17 December 1850 in Ås, widowed on 31 December 1922, and died on 10 May 1926. His son Lars Ivar was born on 16 August 1885 in Ås.

You've definitely got your foot in the door now. Good luck!

Dear Steven;
Thank you thank you SO very much, now I know exactly where he came from. WOW! I did know that Ivar immigrated to Canada after a visit from My Grandfather Karl back to Sweden. However, upon learning that their parents were ill, he went back to Sweden to look after them, as he was the youngest and never did marry. Just as a note of interest, Lars Stark only had five boys, and no girls ,and my Grandfather only had five boys. My Father & Mother had me, I was the oldest and the only girl! I guess that caused quite a stir. Now to get on line with the Arkiv that what I put to reach the Arkiv? or what is the full name. Sorry, I'm so stupid about this. Thanks again and have a great day

Hej Sonja,

Glad to be able to help out a fellow researcher. This research is really no different that working on a cross-word puzzle or jigsaw puzzle -- just pulling together the pieces to appreciate the final product. It doesn't have to be my own family for me to enjoy the research!

The ancestors of Karl Oskar Larsson were fairly easy to trace because they remained in the same parishes for an extended period of time. Most are from Flo and Ås, although Betty Johansdottter (yes, that is the correct spelling!) and her lines extend into Särestad. I'll send you a preliminary pedigree chart and you can fill in the remaining data.

Arkiv Digital is a fee-based service, but it is well worth the price. You can pay via credit card for a time period that works for you. They offer price reductions every once in a while, so I'd sign up for a shorter time period (say one or two months) and then watch for special price deals. Researching in Swedish records this way sure beats ordering microfilms and waiting weeks for them to arrive. With these online services you can jump from parish to parish as the research dictates just at the click of your mouse. You can access their site at Select the English icon and you can follow all the steps in English.

Hej Steve; I appreciate your reply....and I'm sorry to say that my husband won't let me use our credit card on the computer after he had a bad experience doing that. I think I will get a new credit card with a small limit, but of course that will take time. I don't what to bug you Steve, but if you have anymore info on my ancestors, it would be greatly received. Thanks again
Do as I do. I have a creditcard which I use only for Internet. I move the among of money to the account which necessary when I buy. Otherwise it almost empty.

Thank you Annelie, I will look in to that on Monday. Sonja



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