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I am looking for information about my Great Great Grandmother. I am trying to find her grave.
Her name is Sara Petronabla Lundberg or she could have been listed as Sarah Petronelle Lundberg.

Sara was born on 24 March 1808 in Skaraborg county. She died on 11 October 1862
Sara married Lars Peter Åblad

I am sorry, I do not have the name of her Parish.

I am interested in any information that can be found about Sara.

Thank you

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It almost a must to know the parish or at least the area she lived in. Skaraborg is to big.
There is no nationalregister in Sweden to make search in until Census 1890, which is on a CD or at SVAR.

Sorry, but no graves of ordinary persons are left from that time your Sara died in Sweden. We have not the same system as you have in US there you make an other plot as cemetery when one is full. Here we reuse the graves at the cemeteries which normal is outside the church. It's just graves from nobles which are older then the rest of the graves in the cemetery.

I found a name that may be the parish: Hjalstad.

Is there a Hjalstad parish in Skaraborg?


There is a parish of Hjälstad in Skaraborg. An a with two dots over, ä.

Hjälstad is a parish in Töreboda district.
Hi Adam!

I found her birth record in 1808 in Hjälstad Parish.

Born on 24 march 1808.
Baptied on 25 march 1808 and given the name Sara Petronella.

Her parents are Jacob Lundberg and Magdalena Lindgren.
The mothers age upon Saras birth is 41.
Her father was working in a school, probably a school teacher.

I am attaching a screendump of the record.

Another try at attaching the screendump from the post above!
I found Sara Petronellas family in the Household Examination Records (From here on known as HER) from the time around her birth.
They are living in the school where her father is working as a schoolteacher.

As you can see she has a rather large family.
Let we walk you through the various columns of information.

The most left column is the Parish of birth.
Next one is Year of birth.
Next is Date of birth.
Next is their names
Next four are columns regarding their result of the examination, ability to read the Bible, to read the Lutheran Catechism, being able to answer questions about the Bible, Cateshism and religion. The last is whether or not they understood.
Next column is telling you where they moved from.
Next is where they moved to from here.
Next column is the year of marriage.
And the last is year of death.

As you can se from the record, Sara Petronellas father died less than four months after her birth, on July 15 1808.
The crossed out children, son Fredric and daughter Maria Christina, are crossed out because they moved out from their parents.
The next three children crossed out, daughter Cajsa Lisa, son Johannes and daughter Sara Fredrica, are crossed out because they have died.

I'm attaching this file as well.
I looked up the death record of her father Jacob Lundberg.

The columns from left to right are as follows:
Month of death
Day of death
Day of inhumation
Name of deceased
Name of parents of the deceased
Occupation of deceased
Age upon death (number of years)
Age upon death (number of months)
Cause of death

The cause of death of Jacob, Sara Petronellas father, is Nervfeber. This is just the old word for Epidemic typhus.

I did check up on the cause of death of the three siblings of Sara Petronella.

Cajsa Lisa died of an unknown condition.
Johannes died of an unknown condition.
Sara Fredrica died of convulsions.

Attaching the death record.

Hope this information is useful and intresting.
The latest entry in any parish parish records I have found so far in regards to Sara Petronella is when I find her and her husband and their children living and then moving away from Fjällskär in Stigtomta parish.

However, at this time she is known as Sara Petronella Lindberg.
This is probably due to a spelling error when she moved to Fjällskär.

They move from Fjällskär 26 October 1848 to Huddinge in Stockholm County.
Hi Richard,

The information that you provided is terrific!! Thank you so much for your help

No problem Adam!

I suspect that she might be buried somewhere in the Stockholm area.
If so, then it will be hard to find her death records.
Thanks again
Hi Richard,

The information that you provided me was very helpful. I would like to know if you can find anything about one of Sara's sons, (Per Jacob Åblad).

Per was born 12 May 1844 and died 10 June 1919.

Per married Julia Wilhemina Lindholm, born 3 Feb 1849, died 27 Aug 1881.

I searched the Stockholm State Archives and found that Per was a Painter for his job and that he has a daughter named Signe Amalia Elisabeth, Born 27 Sep 1879. From what I can tell the family lived in the Stockholm area.

I am trying to find out the names of Per and Julia’s other children.

Please let me know if you have any success. Thank you for your assistance!


Adam Oblad



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