Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Having had to move my Dad to a nursing home and clear out his house I found what I've been searching for for 20 yrs. Information on my families cherolee connection. It turns out that due to the stigma, back in the day, the family narrative was not quite the truth. I was led to believe that My great, great grandfather married into the cherokee line. But it was a generation closer. My Great Grandfather, James David Vanderpool Married Mattie Mae McClellan who was a full blood cherokee. I found their marriage photo and a photo taken at the time of her adoption with her indian name and case info written on the back. Now I've got a whole new search. Myra, are you still out there? I need some guidance.



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Yes. I'm still "out there." You can reach me at:

I prefer e-mail to this format.



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