Genealogy Wise

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GGGrandmother, Anna Jane Semple emigrated to the USA we believe around 1846 or later - later married and had children 1859 and 1861.  We can find no information on her at all and don't know where to begin the search.  Baptism records through Ancestry have yielded nothing, Irish roots website, nothing.  Any clues on where to start would be great.

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Please provide the information that you do have:

Where did she live, who was her husband, who were her children, when and where did she die, when and where did her children marry and die?

What was her religion?

What sources, other than the two you mention, have you researched?


Hi Nora, Thank you for replying.  All of the above that you have asked I have.  It is her Irish information that we cannot find.  We believe she emigrated around 1846 but cant find her in ships records; cant find any information on her in Ireland at all; the Irish genealogy sites dont have a listing for her birth 5 years either side of the year we know to be right; as for her burial we dont know where she is buried in the US because she is not where she asked to be (with her daughter).  She was a faith healer and evangelist and as such preached the gospel everywhere throughout the US and laid on hands; she wrote books which we have copies of all about religion, but nothing alludes to her Irish side except that she was christened a Catholic in Ireland and that as such she was told always to remain with the husband (he was a drunkard, so they never divorced but lived apart)...that is all we have...clues re Irish side would be great, but I do not want to pay 5 Euros every time I think a record might be interesting to view.1832 was her birth year; we are told there are four counties Semples predominated and we suspect her father's name was George as she named her son George Semple Johnnson.  That is all we have.  Is there somewhere in Irish records where ship's passenger lists are kept?  Is there somewhere that has christening records for hte Catholic church in Ireland that might be available online as I obviously can't visit?  I would appreciate any and all help with regard to the Irish side only.  We have a pretty detailed life for her in the US.  Thank you.


Sharon, do you know where in the United States she settled?  If so then you may be able to find something in some census records.  If you could find out a location, then you may be able to find a church and obtain some church records.  Hope this helps a little


Hi Eileen thank you for replying to my post.  We have all the details we can find on her US side, but it is the Irish side tht we have no information on - see previous reply to Nora's post above.  That is the frustrating part.  She led an interesting and long life and wrote books about religion and her successes with healing, but nothing on Ireland except what I wrote above.  It is a mystery, so we will see if anyone can help with the Irish records.



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