Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you are researching or interested in Madison Co., IN genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Madison Co. here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

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My husbands family comes primarily from Anderson Indiana which is in Madison county. Here are a list of some of the family members I need more information on.

His fathers side....

His grandfather was Ralph Merideth Ogle born May of 1910 he married Rosemond Burton. Ralphs father was Fred Ogle and his mothers name was Dottie, last name unknown so if anyone knows that would be GREAT! Rosemonds father was Robert Burton and her mother was Minnie, last name unknown, if anyone knows PLEASE tell me :)...

Now on my husbands mothers end...

His grandfather was Wilbur Earlywine born July of 1909 had a few marriages. He was married to an Edith but this is not my husbands grandmother. He then married someone else and then married that persons sister who is my husbands grandmother, her name was Betty Thomas. She was born Blessed Sunshine Thomas but later changed her name to Betty. Wilburs father was John Jesse Earlywine and his mother was Elva Blackburn. Elva could also have the name Elizabeth. Betty's parents were Perry Thomas and her mother was Elizabeth Riley.

Any help on these lines would be a great help.

I was also given information that supposedly Minne's last name may have been Bonney and a supposed decendent related to Billy the Kid. This is unconfirmed. It is also possible that Dottie's last name may have been Dietz (could be wrong spelling).

Fred Ogle went to Indiana State Prison in 1919 and died in prison in 1936. He supposedly went to prison for murder. This is unconfirmed. I have conflicting information on his parents. His parents could have been either Levi and Francis Ogle or John Ogle and Jennie Noble. If anyone knows which is correct it would help a great deal.

Thanks in advance for any help you may have.
I am researching the DeHority family of Elwood, IN, and surrounding parts. Some of the related families are: Mauzy, Hupp, Moore, Stokes, Huffman, Heck, Metts and others. I'd be glad to hear from anyone else researching these lines to share informtion.
I grew up in Madison County. I can trace one line in my family tree that has been in Madison County back five generations. The main surname in this line is Hodson (which was originally Hodgson). Harmeson is another surname in this line. If anyone has info. on these families, let me know. :o)



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