Genealogy Wise

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I have three specific names that I am researching in Germany. One, in my family is the surname Strozier. I have been told but have no positive proof that this is an Americanized version of Stroher. There were Stroher's that came from Germany in 1749 and 1751 to Pa. Some then went to Va, and I believe my group went to NC, SC then Ga, where they settled around the Wilkes County, Ga area. I know very little about this branch of the family as records have not been found to date in the U.S. to tie my line to a specific branch of the family that came from Germany.

The other two are in my grandsons maternal line. Johann George Samuel Goentgen was the curator at the Frankfurt Museum at Frankfurt on the Rhine. He and his wife, Magdalena Hauser and two children came into the U.S. at Philadelphia. They came because of religious freedom to join a colony at Germantown, Pa. For some reason, everything did not go smooth there and after about three years, they left there and moved to Louisiana where they started a colony near Minden, La. Today, there is a museum and cemetery there which is called the Germantown Museum and Cemetery. Johann George Goentgen, his wife and many of his descendants are all buried in that cemetery. His youngest daughter, Rosauro, married a man that is reputed to have come from Germany though no records have been found to prove this. His name was Franco Otto Krouse.

If anyone can help as far as the Strozier/Stroher surname goes, or has any information on George Goentgen, I would appreciate it. Part of the problem with George Goentgen is that now all the documents concerning him are in German and I do not speak or read German.


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