Genealogy Wise

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It would be interesting to see how many from this haplogroup will join this group.
My husbands mtdna results from haplogroup C1b2a are:
HVR1-16223T, 16298C,16325C, 16327T, 16519C
HVR2 - 73G,249-, 290-,291-,315.1C, 489C,493G,522-, 523-

He has quite a few matches from FTDNA for the HVR1 & HVR2 and three who match his full sequence results. Two from Puerto Rico and one from Venezuela.

So for the future members of this group, how many of you were assigned to haplogroup C1b2a?

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Ruth thanks for the link. I checked it out and it looks promising. However I’m not sure how to use it. I’m looking for my oldest known maternal line ancestor, my great great grandmother. Her name is Herodias Popart. According to the 1910 census she was living with my mother’s family in Vieques. My mother was not born until 1913. I have misplaced the copy of the 1910 census I had that might tell me her age, and I would then know when she was born. My mother’s family (father and mother) are from Naguabo and she must have been born there, or somewhere within the Humacao area. There must be thousands of individual records I would have to go through one at a time. That could take forever. Isn’t there an easier way?

Ruth,  I tried clicking on the link yu gave me

but I can't get to the part that has the records for Puerto Rico.

Can you remind me on how to get there?



John E Montanez


John A, those mutations that were listed in the research paper is missing one of our mutations: 16519C, which you do have.
I am trying to remember which would be the oldest of the two groups, those without the 16519C mutation or those with it. I think that those without the 16519C are the oldest of the two groups. Being that 16519C came after wards. The descendants of the first group received one more mutation, which is for our groups.
Hi John M,
I'm afraid not, there is no easier way that I know of. I was looking through them today wishing there was an easier way of searching through all those records. It is very frustrating because you do have to look at so many pages.
They do have an index. Search the index first of each town. It will give you an idea for which year to search. Index of either marriage, birth or death years. You will find it at the bottom for each town's link. Today I found my paternal grandfather's brother. He was registered in 1904 though he was born in 1894. I noticed when looking at his record that many went to register their children on that particular date. Seems like the law announced that everyone needed to registered their children by a certain date and many family members went on March 13, 1904 to register to kids. :)))
John M,
I did a search for you and here is the info I found. One from the 1910 census and the other from the index and birth record of I'm thinking your mother Gloria.

1910 Census Ancestry
Vieques Pueblo image 67-68
Eugenio Lopez Gonzalez abt 1861
Josefa Barbe de Lopez abt 1876
Maria Lopez Barbe 1893
Jocoba 1897
Jesus 1902
Felix Fernando 1905
Jose Eugenio 1907
Ramualdo 1908
Herodias Poupart de Barbe mother-in-law abt 1847
Carolina Barbe Martinez 1850 Father's birth place France

I found this info: Indice de Nacimientos 1885-1921 image 95

Felix Fernando Lopez Barbe' Libro 10 Folio 492 6-27-1904
Libro 13 Folio 150 6-12-1908 image 95
Lopez Barbe' Romualdo Jesus + two other names I cound not make out.

Lopez Barbe' Carmen Margot Libro 15 Folio 73 6010-1910 image 96

Lopez Barbe' Gloria Marina and another name I cannot make out--
Father: Eugenio Lopez de Victoria Gonzalez Natural de Humacao
Mother Josefa? Barbe Poupart Natural de Humacao
Paternal grandfather: Saturnino de Victoria y Diaz
Paternal grandmother: Ramualda Gonzalez y ? naturales de Humacao y Santa Cruz de Islas Canarias
Maternal grandfather: Justin or Quintin? Barbe y Martinez
Maternal grandmother: Herodias Poupart Gracia-naturales de Humacao y Naguabo
Lopez Barbe' Gloria Marina and another name I cannot make out. Libro 17 Numero 178 Folio 256 image 96
You will find Gloria's birth info on image 1701 in the Vieques Nacimientos 1908-1913

Hopefully you will be able to read the names much better when you see the record.
How the heck did you find all that stuff so fast? My maternal grandfather is Quintin Barbe y Martinez. My mother who is 97 years old and has Alzheimer’s told me his name before she developed Alzheimer’s. I new he was Quintin Barbe, but did not know he was Barbe y Martinez. She had also told me her maternal grandmother was Herodias Poupart Gracia.

I also knew that my maternal grand father was Eujenio Lopez. She was never sure, but suspected the name was actually Lopez de Victoria. I had no idea it was Lopez de Victoria Gonzalez. I did know grandmothers name was Josephina Barbe Popart.

My paternal great grand father was unknown to me, but shouldn’t he be Saturnino (Lopez de Victoria) y Diaz since grandfather is Eugenio (Lopez de Victoria) Gonzalez? That my paternal great grandmother, Ramualda Gonzalez y ? naturales de Humacao y Santa Cruz de Islas Canarias is a complete surprise? Now I have a clue to European Origins, at least on her line.

My mother's name is Gloria Marina Asension Irma Lopez Barbe according to her, but I suppose it is actually Gloria Marina Asension Irma (Lopes de Victoria) Barbe.

I did already know all her Brothers and sisters. I still can’t believe you found all this information in such a short time. I’ve been looking off and on for years, and have not found anything. I guess you just have to know where and how to look. I am very grateful to you. Thank you very much.


Of course this doesn't solve anything because now I have to locate Herodias Poupart de Barbe's
parents. And find out who Carolina Barbe Martinez 1850, whos Father's birth place was France. I think I remember my mother mentioning tia Carola. If she is tia Carola, then she must be either be either Quintin Barbe y Martinez's sister or his aunt. In any case that line must be from France. I had no idea I was both a Canary Islander, and French as well as Indian on my mother's side. The mystery is just getting bigger instead of smaller. :O)
John Montanez
I helped you out a little. Below is the info of some of your mother's siblings.

Humacao Births

Humacao Nacimientos 1890-1897 image 407
Humacao Punta Santiago
Tomo? 6-Maria Cleofe Coarita Ramona Lopez Barbe' 1893 # 471
Hija de Eugenio Lopez Gonzalez y Jocaba Barbe Garcia-now we know that her name was not Josefa
Paternal grandparents:
Saturnino Lopez de Victoria natural de Humacao y Romualda Gonzalez y Guerra or Querra natural de Santa Cruz de Teneri?
Maternal grandparents: Quintin Barbe' y Martinez natural de Humacao and Cleofe Garcia Garcia Natural Naguabo

The names below are some others that I found in the index of Humacao births, you would have to search for them. Good luck. :)

Tomo? 7-Ida Lucinia Catalina Lopez Barbe 1894 folio or # 197

Tomo? 9-Jacoba Maria Clotilde Lopez Barbe' 1896 folio or # 144
Jacoba was Eugenio's first wife. She died and Eugenio married Josephina, who was Jacoba's younger sister. My mother herself told me this years ago before she developed Alzhimer's. My mother and three siblings were the sons and daughters of Josephina, the older siblings were the sons and daughters of Jacoba.
John M,
That is amazing! I find your family tree very interesting. :)
So Eugenio married two sisters. Which would mean that the parents of both are the same. :)
I was surprised when I saw the surname Lopez de Victoria. There are many who have that particular name, I have it in my family tree. That would make Jacoba's children your mother's siblings and cousins as well?
It was easy to find the names once I found the info from the 1910 ancestry and than search the birth index of first Vieques and than Humacao with those surnames. The records from Humacao for that time period are great. You should see what I have to go through to find my ancestors from Isabela and Aguadilla. Those records are in very poor condition. Great to know that some towns took the time and effort to maintain those records, you are lucky. I never before heard of the name Jocaba, it sounds so very native.

Saturnino Lopez de Victoria natural de Humacao y Romualda Gonzalez y Guerra natural de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Santa Cruz is the Capitol of Tenerife, which is one of the Canary Islands. I Googled it and found all kinds of interesting things about Tenerife.

I am still having trouble finding the index and the pages you referred to.
Family search link

Go to the link above. On the left hand side scroll down until you get to Humacao. Click on Humacao. Once there look for
Naciemientos 1890-1897-click on it, when it opens, type in the number 407 on your top right hand side, there is a little box
there with an arrow pointing to the left and an arrow pointing to the right. Type the number 407 in that box. It will take you
to that image where Maria Cleofe Coarita Ramona Lopez Barbe' 1893 # 471 info is located.
Once you find the info above, when you have the time, search every page after Maria's until you find the info for:

Tomo? 7-Ida Lucinia Catalina Lopez Barbe 1894 # 197

Tomo? 9-Jacoba Maria Clotilde Lopez Barbe' 1896 # 144

Don't forget to write down the image # when you find it, otherwise you will have to start all over again when you do another search. You can also save the image to your PC, it is a very big file. :)



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