Genealogy Wise

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It would be interesting to see how many from this haplogroup will join this group.
My husbands mtdna results from haplogroup C1b2a are:
HVR1-16223T, 16298C,16325C, 16327T, 16519C
HVR2 - 73G,249-, 290-,291-,315.1C, 489C,493G,522-, 523-

He has quite a few matches from FTDNA for the HVR1 & HVR2 and three who match his full sequence results. Two from Puerto Rico and one from Venezuela.

So for the future members of this group, how many of you were assigned to haplogroup C1b2a?

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You have to write her a query or you can write Bennet Greenspan, founder of FTDNA to shed some real light on the subject.

John Montanez is one of our mtDNA matches.

Here is an excerp from my article:

When my eyes finally came upon the first chart that revealed the sequences and polymorphisms, (mutations), of the mtDNA results, HVR I, my eyes moistened as the welling of tears came to my eyes. I had discovered that two sequences within the chart from the people who had been labeled as being ancient Ciboney of Cuba matched my own mtDNA precisely. They were also within my Haplo group of C. My eyes traced the sample reference numbers, 7145 and C317. I then began reading the next paper written by C. Lalueza Fox about the “Ciboney” from the Dominican Republic. My heart leaped in excitement when I saw that the chart contained five more sequences matching my own mtDNA,

Haplo Group C:
Reference #154 16223T 16298C 16325C 16327T
Reference #182 16223T 16298C 16325C 16327T
Reference # 71 16223T 16298C 16325C 16327T
Reference # 48 16223T 16298C 16325C 16327T
Reference #191 16223T 16298C 16325C 16327T

These sequences of the ancient mtDNA had to be my ancestors!
I retrieved my formal Family Tree test results to make sure there was no mistake. I read them and compared my own test results to that contained within the papers.

Haplo Group C 16223T 16298C 16325C 16327T. My sequences and mutations did indeed match! It was a monumental discovery for me, I had found my ancestral people!

Now from the above sequences you can see how your mother and father's sequences differ from me and my ancestors the Guana Atabey. Your mother's mtDNA contains the number 16519C where mine is 16327T

Your father's also differs within 16248T from my 16298C

John Montanez:

Here are your earliest ancestors:
Source: Teresa de Castro San Juan Book 1 of Marriages:

Folio 101v #207
Fecha: 1 de julio de 1668
Ministro: Sr. chantre Dn Francisco Moreno de Rincon
Contrayente: Dn Diego Montanez de Lugo
Natural de: San Juan
Padres: Capitan Diego Montanez y Da Ana de Lugo Sotomayor
Contrayente: Da. Maria Montanez y Mercal
Natural de: (esta ciudad)
Padres: (Andres Montanez Mercal y Da Barbara de Villela F90v)
Dispensa: En 2do con 3er grado de consanguinidad por el Sr. maestro Dn Benito de
Rivas, obispo de este obispado y sus anexos del consejo de Su Majestad y
en una amonestacion por justas causas.
Testigos: Padre Josef de Montalvo, el padre Gaspar de Roxas y el padre Francisco
Ortiz Carranza, presbyteros

Captain Diego Montanez was born Circa: Abt 1596 Isla de San Juan de Puerto Rico.
You can see by the document that they were cousins, the bride and groom had 2 and 3 grades of Consanguinidad between them.

Now, your Haplo Group has absorbed any Spanish sequences that you may have in your mtDNA and yDNA and they will not show. But the paper trail says it all.!


Here is a relationship calculation from my PAF family tree file: It shows how we are related to one another via the Spanish lines:

Diego Montanez de Lugo DE SOTOMAYOR and John J. Browne III AYES Alles (PCID) are 1st cousins 12 times removed. Their common ancestors are Juan de Lugo DE SOTOMAYOR and Luisa DE VELAZQUEZ.

(The PCID at the end of my name means Post Columbian Indigenous Descendant.)
If you would upload your family tree within FTDNA it would help clarify connections for everyone else who has invested their time and their money to have their mtDNA tested. A lot of people haven't done that so no connections can be made with one another. You can send your GED.COM to my E mail address if you want to keep it private.
I did upload my family tree to FTDNA already -- both sides, -- my mothers and my fathers. You should be able to see them at the FTDNA site. If not let me know and I will send the GED.COM directly to you. I am curious to know how the heck you got all that information on my paternal line. Also could you find out about my maternal line for me? I don't know how difficult it is for you to do that. I know I tried but couldn't get anywhere with it.
I'm confused John A. I thought that your sequence and Eddie's were exact with the HVR1 & HVR2?
Sorry John M. that I did not respond to your question way back when. Ana assigns those from Haplogroup C that match those that did a full sequence and were assigned to haplogroup C1b2a. So if you match exactly to someone with the HVR1 & HVR2 who did a full sequence you will be placed with them. That is how I did it with my mtDNA haplogroup C FTDNA project.
John A, John M, Fidelio and Eddie are exact for HR1 & HR2
Haplogroup - C1b2a--This is Eddie's and my father's assign full sequence haplogroup.

HVR1 differences from CRS
16223T, 16298C,16325C,16327T,16519C

HVR2 differences from CRS
73G, 249-, 290-, 291-, 315.1C, 489C, 493G, 522-, 523-
Hello Ruth, yes these HVR1 and HVR2 differences from CRS you have posted are what I have from FTDNA. I have not done a full sequence yet as the cost is prohibitive at present. On my page at FTDNA it seems there are hundreds of matches even at HVR2 for my mothers, (and my) mtDNA. But my father’s mtDNA has no matches, (yes zero matches) even for HVR1. He is C1b also but, no matches for him can be found even at It’s like he probably comes from the moon or something. LOL! Another funny thing is that his, (and my) yDNA is R1b1b2a1b5, which is as near as I can determine from stuff I find on the Internet either Scottish or Irish in origin. So apparently my yDNA ancestor did not come over on the boat with Columbus, he must have come over on the boat with Sir Francis Drake. Or, maybe he was on the boat with Jack Sparrow (pirates of the Caribbean). He was probably one of the pirates who landed on the Island for a little R+R, and had something to do with one of the native Taino girls. LOL! In any case I haven’t had any luck with the paper trail because I don’t live in Puerto Rico so I can’t go looking for records in all the Churches. was a waste of money for me. I didn’t find anything there. I am at a dead end. How I wound up with Neil of the nine hostages yDNA I will probably never know. :O)
Hi John M.
A person with a sense of humor, love it! My brother and I have been joking with my hubby calling him na-nu na-nu-like in Mork and Mindy. Seems like he has some of the markers from the child star skull, I call him cousin it from the Adams family. According to 23andMe my hubby and I are 2nd cousins, though we cannot find the connection whatsoever with our ancestors.

You and my hubby are of the same haplogroups for ydna and mtdna. He is also R1b1b2a1b5, not many Spanish surnames matches maybe 4-5 I think for his first 12 markers and none for the rest of the markers that are of Spanish origin.
Wow, no matches whatsoever for your dad's mtdna, that's amazing. But it just means that someone with his mutations has not been test yet. My nephew just has two matches with his mtdna.

I first started my genealogy with the ancestry site. I still use it because when I find new ancestors I go and search for them in that particular site and find some info.

The site where I have found loads of info lately is from the family search-record search site. Its free and has many PR towns listed. Thousands and thousands of records for marriage, birth and death. Takes hours and hours searching but its worth it. :)
Below is their link. What town were your parents from? My father has ancestors from the Montalvo side. His grandfather married a women with the Montalvo-Perez surname. They were from Aguadilla.
Oops, sorry, misread your surname. I thought it was Montalvo.
Thanks for the link Ruth. I checked it out. It looks like a good place where I may be able to find what I'm looking for, but as you said it's is going to take a lot of time and patience.



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